Chapter Twenty Six- The Battle

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Everything all happened so quickly. The moment that Kinnon and Aros collided the other wolves jumped on each other like a moth to flame. This was war, they all fought to kill and the smell of blood was thick in the air.

I couldn't take my eyes of Kinnon, watching as the two fought against each other. It was a massive power struggle as both men where as strong as the other and when they would get a hold of each other it was brutal. Blood would fly into the air as fangs ripped out flesh.

My heart was racing watching him. Anymore of this and they would kill each other. I had to stop them. I couldn't risk losing Kinnon and Aros was mine to kill. Taking one step forward I was stopped by a hand that tugged on my sleeve.


Hesitating, I turned my attention to Lenna was who standing next to me trembling. There was a look of pain in her face as she watched the man she loved fight with her brother but there was something else. Sweat had began to appear above her eyebrow and top lip, she looked in pain.

"Are you okay?"

"It's coming"

It took me a second to realize what she meant before my eyes shot down to the round bump at her belly that she cradled protectively.

"The...the.. Baby?"

Lenna could only nod in response as her knees began to buckle. She looked like she could collapse at any minute. Panic swept over me as I reached out to her holding her steady. What was I meant to do? There was no hospitals near by and how was I meant to get her through all this carnage to even try.

Call the healer. Use your power summon her to you. Ailith spoke into my mind.Nodding my head, I took a deep breathe. It was strange I could feel power that I had never felt before, the power was that of leadership.

"Come to me healer"

I could only pray that it worked.

Not wasting any more time I scooped Lenna in my arms, I don't know where the strength came from. Rushing back into the house, I entered one of the spare bedrooms kicking open the door as I gingerly lay Lenna down on the bed.

"Uh...what Do I need....Towels, Water, bucket and cloths"

Leaving the room I set on my journey to find the items. I had no idea what I was doing, to tell the truth I was going off what I had seen on movies and they are never reliable. The house was like a maze as I ripped apart room from room to find the stuff I needed. By the time I collected everything it had been five minutes.

Running back to the room I placed my hand on the door ready to swing it open but just before I could pull it from it's hinges it opened from the inside. I was face to face with the healer from before. The woman who told me I can't escape fate.

"Ah, perfect you brought everything I needed" she smiled an eerie smile before grabbing the stuff out of my hands.

"When did your water break?"

"Yesterday, I didn't mention it to anyone. I wanted to wait until I was futher along with my contraction before I made everyone worry"

"So it won't be long then until he or she is here? You know when a wolf waters break it all happens fast. You should not have been traveling young lady" The healer scolded.

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