Chapter Twenty Three- Mark Me?

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"Mark me?"

The words came out of my mouth no louder than a whisper. I was still to caught up in the moment. Feeling Kinnons large body against mine, his muscular frame trapping me beneath him as his teeth grazed my neck. 

Whatever the mark was, I could feel my body wanting it. I was shaking with excitement. 

"It would make you mine and I yours, an eternal bond" He whispered into my ear before his tongue trailed back down my neck, his lips kissing and sucking on the same area. 

My body went a little stiff in that moment as I tried to digest what Kinnon was saying. 

The mark sounded like a big commitment....One I wasn't sure I was ready to make. I mean I did feel things for Kinnon and I couldn't deny the unnatural pull towards him but I had only known him for under two weeks. Could I pledge my life to him and more importantly was I ready for this?

"Kinnon wait...."

DONT STOP HIM! Ailith barked into my mind

My eyebrows instantly drew together at the sound of her voice blasting into my head. How dare she think she could control my decisions? Ever since we had became one she had been controlling me making me do as she wished. I wasn't her slave and this was going to stop now. 

"I don't want this, not yet i'm not ready...." I whispered placing both my hands on the side of Kinnons cheeks I gently pulled his face to mine. Melted silver eyes looking deep into mine.

YOU STUPID GIRL! THIS IS BECAUSE YOU CAN'T LET GO OF BEING HUMAN, YOU'RE A WOLF NOW ELLIE. LET IT GO! Ailith roared. I could feel her trying to take control, just like she did with the conversation with Aros. 

"This is all a little to much for me to handle with everything that's going on, I want to take it slow. Everything about your world is new to me and i'm trying my best to come to terms with this new way of life" The words came out my mouth strained as my inner battle waged on but my eyes never wavered from his, I was serious. 

Kinnon was still and silent as he nodded his head in agreement. "I understand, this world is completely different from yours. I didn't want this for you" He sighed running a frustrated hand through his hair.

"That's why you never introduced yourself to me all those years ago?" I asked innocently. 

Kinnons body went stiff instantly stiff as he roughly pushed himself back from me landing on the floor with a thud. His lips drawn into a tight line and his eyes where wide with shock. The words even caused Ailith to still in my mind. 

There was a minute of silence between us.

"Did Aros tell you that? What else did he tell you?"

"Everything, from how you meet me in the street that day to how he was planning on killing me so that it would make you weak and he could finish you off. This was all part of his plan, every little bit of it. I have been used like a pawn Kinnon, I feel violated and dirty." My arms instinctively wrapped around my body as a cold shiver broke across my skin. 

Kinnon was trebling as Tobias came to life in his eyes, his eyes bounced from charcoal black, gold and then silver. I could feel his rage, his hurt, his anger. It all came through to me wave after wave of emotion. Reaching out he grabbed my hand pulling me into his chest as his arms wrapped around me.

I couldn't control it anymore, thick heavy tears began to fall from my eyes as sobs left my throat. This was all so messed up, I was messed up mentally and emotionally. I hadn't even had the time to process that I had killed someone. Evil or not, I still took someone from this world. 

The thoughts caused me to cry even harder the pain of my emotions felt like I was being eaten alive. Kinnon's grip on my body tightened as he burrowed his lips into my hair. Kissing me gently on the head as his hand rubbed up and down my back. 

"I'm sorry Ellie, i'm so sorry. I promise you I won't let them get away with this. I won't let them hurt you anymore. I will fight this time, I will protect you so you don't have to hurt anymore."

I felt at peace from his words for the first time since I had arrived here. Relaxing into his arms my eyes began to feel heavy as tiredness and fatigue set in. 

Placing his arms under my legs Kinnon stood up from the floor as he carried me out the room bridal style. He headed down the halls until he reached my room, pushing the door open he walked over to the bed. Pulling back the sheets he placed me down settling by my side as he covered us with the sheets.

Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me into him. My back resting against his chest as his arm settled under my head and the other around my chest. Placing my hand in his, I let out a sigh of content. This moment made everything that I went through seem worth it. 

 Though I couldn't get my thoughts out my mind. I still had so much to tell him about my challenge to Aros but I couldn't bring myself to speak.

The news of my challenge would have to wait until the morning. 

Hello All!

How is everyone doing?

I'm starting to feel like a cruel writer. Ellie has been through hell and she has more to come. The poor girl needs a nicer author.

Sorry for being away, I work full time and i'm trying to improve my life. Driving lessons, gym, healthy eating.  I finally have a bit of a routine so hopefully the updates should become more steady. 

Anyway, peace out my loves xo

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