Chapter Twenty One- The Meeting. Pt 3

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The shocked look quickly left Aros face as a smug expression took it's place. I could see it in his eyes that he doubted I had it in me to kill him. He was wrong, my hands where ready to be forever stained red, it was a sin I would happily accept. Tightening my grip on his throat, I extended my claws digging them deep into his flesh, blood seeping from the wounds. 

"You deserve to suffer" I growled. 

I had been so focused on Aros, I never heard Kane sneaking up behind me. He smashed his hand into my hair grabbing a fist full of it as he yanked me back. My hand never left Aros throat as the skin lifted from my scalp at the force that was being used. 

I felt like I could swallow the house up with the anger that burned through me, forming my other hand into a fist I smashed it off Kanes nose, the sound of crunching bones filled the room as blood sprayed over the floor. Dropping Aros to the ground, he crumpled as I turned my focus to Kane. Smashing my body into him I pushed him to the floor. I was on top of him within a second ripping my claws into his chest as he cried out with pain. 

Red clouded my vision as my fangs extended from my mouth. Leaning down I clamped onto his throat with such force I felt his wind pipe crunch. Kane began thrashing around on the floor in an attempt to get me off.  It was no use I held him in that position until his body stopped struggling. Snapping my head round, I focused my attention back to Aros as my eyes narrowed in on him. He was grinning. I stood up stalking over to him slowly like a wolf would with its pray.

"Time to die, any last words?"

"Too late" He grinned.

That's when I heard it. The sound of footsteps walking up the hall as the sound of a gentle voice humming filled my ears. 

"Aros?" The voice methodically called.

"I'm in here my love, I'm with Kinnons mate" Aros called back his eyes staring deep into mine as his grin stretched across his face even further than before.

I knew who it was instantly. 

Panic swept through me as I reached my arm up to my face. Using my sleeve I wiped the blood away from my mouth I was rubbing so hard my lips began to sting. My heart was racing with every step that I heard drawing closer. Sucking in my breathe I could feel the presence outside the door just as three gentle knocks rattled the wood. 

"Can I come in?"

Aros said nothing as he watched my reaction shaking my head from side to side I looked into his eyes begging him to say no.

"....Wait for us in the Kitchen, I will bring Ellie down"

"See you both soon!" the voice squealed, as the footsteps started again. This time they where headed away from the room. I could breathe again as I pulled a deep breathe into my lungs.

Aros has used this time to stand back up from the floor as his hands reached into his pocket pulling a velvet cloth he threw it towards me as he started walking out of the room.  "Clean yourself up and come with me. Also don't think I did that for you. I did it to protect her"

Confusion swept across me, as I quickly wiped the blood from my hands as I stumbled forward following Aros out of the room. 

There was only one thought in my mind as I walked silently next to him. 

The though was that maybe he did have a heart. 


Aros and I walked until we reached a white wooden door. The moment he pushed the door open the smell of baked cookies filled my nostrils and before I could even take a step inside the room a pair of arms where wrapped around me as I was pulled into a warm embrace. 

"I have been waiting to meet you" 

Leaning back from the hug, My eyes meet one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her beauty could be compared to that of the moon goddess.  Green loving eyes, made me feel like I was wrapped in a loving embrace even when she let me go. She looked like a doll so petite and small compared to the other female wolves I had met. It made me instantly want to protect her. 

"Lenna" I whispered as her face beamed with happiness that I knew her name.

"Oh I'm so happy you know my name. I thought my huffy brother would not have mentioned me since I ran away from home. That man is so stubborn sometimes, I write to him and he never responds obviously he is still in a mood. You need to hit him for me the next time you see him" she giggled. 

"Anyway please come in to the Kitchen, I was just making a fresh batch of cookies when one of the pack told me you arrived"  Lenna smiled as she walked away from me and into the kitchen. As she walked I noticed her hand instantly move to her stomach as a gasp lift my lips. 

There was a massive bump that her hand cradled protectively as she walked. 

Guilt instantly washed over me as I thought back to my date with Aros, how I flirted with him not knowing he had a heavily pregnant wife waiting for him. I couldn't help but turn my attention back to him as I scowled. 

Aros never turned to look at me his focus was trained on Lenna the expression on his face was full with love that even reached his eyes. It left me feeling stunned as I watched him walk over to her. I watched in amazement as he placed his hand on top of her bump as Lenna leaned her back into him as he gently kissed her head. The two of them looked like they entered a world of there own. It was like they both had completely forgot I was there.

 I cleared my throat as Aros looked towards me his expression hardening in an instant. "We can't stay Lenna, Ellie was just about to leave when you arrived she told she had  a date with Kinnon"

Lenna frowned the moment those words reached her ears, her eyes looking into mine as I nodded yes to back up Aros fake story. I wanted to get away from here, watching Aros act like this made me confused. 

It made the devil look like he had a heart. 

Lenna opened her mouth like she was about to protest me leaving before she stopped. Her eyes turning soft and full of sadness. "I'm sad that you have to leave so soon. Can you please do me a favour and tell my brother I love and miss him dearly. He is always on my mind" I nodded once again as I watched Aros make his way towards me as he headed out of the room. I followed behind him as we left the house. A million thoughts running through my mind as I stared at Aros's back. 

Who was that man who I witnessed before? The tender man full of love and kindness. I could feel the warmth radiating off him in that moment.  It made me heart waver as I imagined ripping him away from Lenna. I couldn't bare to break her heart.

Don't forget what he has done. Ailith snarled. 

Shaking my head, I regained my thoughts just as we reached the massive metal gates that where sliding open. 

Ailith was right no matter what I just saw would not change the evil things that Aros had done. He and his sister would pay for their actions. Her words had made up my mind. When the gate was open I took a long deep breathe  before I stepped back out into the freedom of outside away from the caged Kingdom. I walked forward a couple of steps before turning back to Aros, I looked him straight into his eyes as I puffed my chest. My mind clearing of all thoughts.  

Standing my ground. I had made my decision. 

"Aros Hunter, I challenge you to Alpha"

Hello All!

Hope you all enjoyed Part Three of the meeting. I also hope this chapter made up for my absence. 

I'm sorry for not updating I was on holiday and then when I got back I was really unwell. I'm just finally starting to feel a bit better. 

Next Chapter of Forbidden will also be released soon. 

So what do we think of Lenna and Aros relationship? 

Has this changed your views on him?

Anyway, peace out my loves xo

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