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It's the day before my 18th birthday and I woke up feeling happy and excited because I know my boyfriend Jason has planned the evening for us. We have been together for over two and a half years and even though we are still in high school I have no doubt in my mind that I am meant to spend the rest of my life with him. I think I knew that the day that I met him.

We are graduating from high school in a month and I can't wait to go off to college and start the next chapter of my life with him. Jason and I both got accepted to Harvard so that's where we will be in the fall.

It's seven O'clock when Jason pulls up outside my house to take me out. My mother calls up to me and I take one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs. I'm nervous, but in a good way. Even though we have been going out for a long time I still got giddy every time we went on a date. When I make my appearance on the stairs I hear Jason's sharp intake of breath and I look up and when our eyes meet my heart skips a beat. It's moments like this that makes me so sure that we are meant to be together. After nearly three years together we are still so madly in love and I know that my love for him only grows with each passing day.

"You look absolutely breathtaking" he says to me when I finally reach him and I love the way that he looks at me. He is looking at me with nothing but love. When he looks at me this way it's like I can actually feel how much he loves me.

We say goodbye to my parents and head out to the restaurant. We have been to this restaurant before but we normally only come here for special occasions and since it's my birthday Jason said that this qualified as a one. It's a nice restaurant, it's not too fancy but you definitely don't come here in sweats. It's classy and hip and I've always loved it. I suppose that's why we always come back. Jason can never say no to me and since I hardly ever ask for anything when I do want something he tends to go overboard. I should have guessed my 18th birthday would call for nothing but the best.

When we enter the restaurant I assume that we will be sitting where we usually sit so I'm surprised when the hostess leads us to a private room out in the back which leads to a patio area that has a beautiful garden and is covered in twinkling lights. I feel like I'm in a movie this scene is so perfect.

"You did all this for me?" I ask Jason completely in awe.

"Of course Grey" he tells me like it should be obvious. "I would do anything for you. This is nothing. It's your birthday and my girl deserves nothing but the best. I just wish that I could do more."

It's moments like these when I have to pinch myself just to check if I'm dreaming because I don't know how I got so lucky to have someone who loves me so much. I know he really would do anything for me and give me anything I want. I just wish I could explain to him how as long as I have him I have everything I could ever want or need.

"I love you" I tell him but I whisper it like it's a secret.

"I love you too" he tells me.

We sit and order our food and while we wait we talk about all kinds of things. There is never really ever a lull in our conversations. We always manage to find something to talk about because we know we can tell each other anything. Don't get me wrong Jason and I don't always need to fill the silence sometimes we are just content to sit and be with one another and the silence is never awkward. It never has been.

Our food comes eventually and it's absolute perfection. I eat so much I feel like I'm going to burst and when we are done I expect that Jason will pay the bill and we will leave but we don't. Instead Jason stands from the table and holds his hand out to me and asks me to dance. I let out a small laugh because he never ceases to surprise me and I'm about to tell him there is no music when I hear one of my favorite songs begin to play.

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