4 - late night calls

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"Who is this?"

"Did you know that if you fart consistently for six years and nine months, enough gas is produced to create an atomic bomb?"

"It's two in the fucking morning. Are you serious?"

"But think about it. If humans stored their farts into jars for that long, each person would be able to start their own World War III."

"And this is relevant how?"

"Stop laughing. This is a serious matter, Kitten."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"More than seven billion people would have missiles to launch on their annoying relatives, thus ensuing the end of the world. How is this not something people actually talk about?"

"Maybe because they aren't gullible to the internet and call strangers at two in the morning while they're trying to sleep."

"But we're not strangers. We're phone call buddies. Anyways, that's not the point—"

"Yeah yeah, storing farts, world goes boom. Can I go to sleep now?"


"Oh my god what?"

"I never got your name."

"Jane Doe."

"Ha. Ha. I'm not that stupid. Why don't you want to tell me?"

"Oh, its totally not because you're a complete stranger or anything."

"We're friends, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah—right. I forgot."

"Yeah get with the program, k-not so friendly neighborhood introvert chick."







"My names Audrey."

"Oh, well goodnight...Audrey."

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