Only Bonus Chapter

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"Has it gotten worse?" Audrey bites her lip, hoping that whatever this "news" is, isn't anything bad.

Dr. Silman pulls out his clip board, trying to hold back an emotion threatening to spill out of him heaps at a time. "Take a seat, please."

She follows directions, sitting on an all too familiar bed that holds many memories. Most being bad, especially times after chemo treatment when her whole body feels weak and damaged. "W-What's wrong? The cancer hasn't spread has it? Am I getting worse?"

Silman cant seem to hold back his smile, reading from the paper. "Audrey Rae Ellis, you were diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer at the age of five and again at fourteen. But now three years later, you are officially...cancer free."

Everything in Audrey's person goes into hyperdrive as happiness and adrenaline surges through her veins. Tears begin building up in those big hazel eyes. "This isn't real—are you joking?"

"One hundred percent telling the truth. But that's not it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's time for you to ring the bell."

White Willow Memorial celebrates every patients recovery from life threatening illnesses. This "survivor bell" is a symbol of strength for each individual fighting for their life.

Audrey stands on her shaking legs and follows Silman out. Doctors line up on either side, going left to the awaited destination. They clap, cheer, shout Audrey's name, loud enough to be heard from blocks away.

She walks through them all, smiling hard. Naturally, a thought in the back of her head says there's no way to escape something like this, that the cancer will come back a third time and finally knock her to the ground. But, hope overpowers any negative emotions that try to take this special moment away.

Days, weeks, months, years have gone by, some worse than others. Parts of her life she will never be able to get back, taken by this disease that claims thousands of lives. So, Audrey will fight for them, have a normal life for those that were claimed. It's the least she can do.

Finally rounding the corner, all she's expecting to see is the bell, but is brought upon a much more heart warming sight.

August stands there with tears threatening to spill as a ball of fur barks from his arms. He chuckles, peering down at the baby German Shepard who looks at Audrey with big golden brown eyes.

It leaps out of his arms and runs straight to Audrey. She picks it up, letting the puppy lick her face in excitement. Her gaze drifts back to a certain boy that has been by her side for what seems like forever.

"I-I know that game we played? And how you said—"

Without much warning, he suddenly feels a pair of soft plump lips on his. Realizing it's his girl, August kisses back, hearing as all the doctors begin to cheer louder.

Audrey pulls back but remains close, feeling tears fall down her cheeks. "Y-You've done so much for me. I-I-I...I don't know I got so lucky to find someone like you."

He smiles, setting his hands on either side of her face and brushes away extra waterworks. "How you got lucky? Kitten...I'm the one that got lucky."

Audrey hits his chest with her only free hand and chuckles slightly. "I told you to stop calling me that."

"What do you want me to call you?"


"That's an odd name, kitten. I don't know—"

"You know what I meant." She starts to close distance again but the puppy barks, causing an echo of laughter through the room.

"He's right," August says. "You've still got to ring the bell."

Audrey looks at it with longing and grabs August's hand. "Together."

They grip the string and pull, hearing its melodic tune fill each and every one of their hearts.

With finality, he leans down and whispers in her ear. "I'd be glad to call you mine."

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