27 - vulnerable

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"Oh did I wake you up?"

"No, it's ok."

"I just wanted someone to talk to while I walk home."

"'Walk home'? Auddie, it's like twelve."

"Eleven forty-five actually. Fifteen minutes shy."

"What are you doing outside this late?"

"I just wanted some fresh air...and went to the store to grab some ice cream."

"Seriously? Couldn't that have waited till the morning?"

"Absolutely not. This tub of butterfinger goodness was calling my name. I just couldn't ignore it any longer."

"This is the time creeps come out. What if you get kidnapped?"

"You're over exaggerating."

"No, not really. In movies, you're that dumb white girl. Walkin' by dark alley ways and will probably stop to check out a noise you heard."

"I'm offended."

"Just hurry, will you?"

"You can go back to sleep."

"Not until I know you're home safe."

"I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself."

"I'm just saying—"

"What was that?"

"Don't even start."

"Oh cmon, lighten up."

"I still haven't gotten you back for last time."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yup. You will not expect it either."

"Mine wasn't even that bad."

"Mkay. You tellin' me you never want to talk to me again was totally not that bad."


"Ugh, what am I going to do with you?"

"You're the one that asked me to the dance."

"You're the one that called me first."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."



"What was that?"

"I don't know..."



"I think someone's following me."

"Fucking run. What are you doing?"

"I don't actually know if they're following me. Could just be a coincidence."

"Mhm. Scary dark figure following a vulnerable teenage girl in the middle of the night. That's totally a coincidence—seriously Audrey. I don't wanna hear your death and have to talk to police."

"I'm glad you—what the hell."


"What are you doing?"


"Get off of me! Help!"



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