12 - butt dial

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^^^Incoming call from Auddie^^^

"Two calls in one day? If you missed me, you coulda just said so—"

"What do you want?"

"What? You called me."

"Why are you here?"


"After every thing you put me through? You could have just said you didn't want to be with me! But break up with me after I told you...h-how could you?!"

"Audrey, just let me explain—"

"And you cheated on me!"

"It was a mistake. I realize that now. B-But you have to understand that I was hurt. We were friends before dating and you never told me. Do you realize how that made me felt afterwards?"

"Don't you dare turn this around on me and make me out to be the bad guy. I was scared! All I needed was someone to hold me, to be there for me and tell me that everything was gonna be ok, but you left! You left me alone!"

"I-I know. I'm sorry. I'm such a fucking screw up—"

"You never wanted me, did you?"

"W-What? Of course I—"

"Stop lying to me, Danny. Just tell me the truth."

"Ok fine, at first no. My friends made me a bet."

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Just hold on a second. They made me a bet to go out with you and make you feel like it was destiny, then leave the next day. But I didn't leave you. Our first date went to our second, then third, then fourth—and I realized how much I needed you as more than a friend. Your kisses and hugs made me feel like...like nothing else mattered. Like it was just us taking on the world."

"Then why'd you leave me?"

"Believe it or not but I was scared too. I didn't know how to react. Your words felt like a punch in the mouth. I needed time to take it all in and figure things out."

"And that meant taking home the schools slut and fucking her THAT NIGHT?"


"Don't you dare Audrey me. I came to your house to see you! I heard it before I saw it! I should have known from the day you asked me out by my locker that it would end in heart break. You always had a different girlfriend each month before that but I was too in love with my best friend to turn you down."

"Y-You were in love with me?"

"Wow, you're more idiot than I thought. Of course I was! How could someone not fall for those deep blue eyes and that charming smile?"

"Please Audrey...I need you. I promise it'll be different. It won't happen again."

"You're right. It won't happen again."

"Wait—no. Audrey please! Come on. Don't do this."

"You should have thought about that before you fucked my ex best friend."


"Shoulda shoved that bush up his ass when I had the chance."



"That was a butt dial if I've ever heard one."

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