22 - I spy...a pretty brunette

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"I spy with my little eyes somethingggg...pink."

"Are you in the cafeteria?"

"Sure am."

"Why are you calling me while we're at school?"

"Cause I'm bored and have no one to talk to."

"What about the entire table full of football players you're sitting with?"

"All they're talking about is Bryce's party this weekend."

"Oh. Are you gonna go?"

"They want me to but I'm not really much of a party person. Besides, I don't wanna be surrounded by drunks puking and passing out every five minutes."

"Oh ok."

"So, I spy with my little eyes—"


"—something pink."

"Umm, Daisies skirt?"

"That's like a salmon color."

"Fine. Hmm...oh, Chelsey's crop top."




"Never mind. I spy with my little eyes something...hairy."

"That lunch ladies mustache?"

"How'd you know?!"

"Because, I can see it all the way from over here in the back of the lunch room. You can't miss it."

"True, true."

"Ok my turn. I spy with my little eyes a pretty brunette."

"Wwooowwww Bowman, how typical."

"What? It's fair game. Just guess."

"There's a lot of girls with brown hair, Auggie."

"But there's one in particular I'm looking at."

"Can't you pick something else?"

"If you don't guess, then I win."

"I didn't know you could win at I Spy."

"Oh Audrey, I'm the master at I Spy."






"That's black hair."

"No hers is just really really dark. You can see it's brown when the sun shines on it."

"I'm talking about like milk chocolate maybe a bit darker but not by much."

"Oo! Taylor!"



"You suck at this game."

"Hey. There's at least 300 people in here."

"Keep guessing."


"I'm. Not. Gay."


"Stop laughing."

"Sorry that's right I forgot. I'll stop."

"You're still laughing."

"Fine—Fine ok. I get three more guesses. If I don't get it right, you have to tell me who she is."

"That's not how the game works, Auddie. You get three more guesses then I win."

"That's not fair."

"It's completely fair. You're just a sore loser."

"I haven't lost yet."

"Then you better get guessing cause the bell is gonna ring any minute now."

"Hmm. It's not any of the cheerleaders because I already guessed all of them. It's not anyone on that side of the room that I haven't already guessed. And it's not any guys—for all I know."


"Can you give me a hint?"

"Hazel eyes."


"Still no."


"Careful. You have one more guess."

"There's a number of people it could—wait a minute. I know who you're talking about."

"Oh yeah? Who?"



"Ope looks like your times up. I win."

"Wait not that's not fair. I was gonna say—"

"Too late. Talk to you later Auddie."


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