11 - pet names

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"What do you want?"

"I need help."

"Yeah, yuh sure do."

"No, I mean on math."

"We're in school right now."

"Really? I didn't know that!"






"Woo! So meet me at—"

"No. N-No just...we can talk after school."

"In person?"

"I can't I'm sorry."

"Oh, ok. It's f—"

"Ms. Valentine, are you on a phone call in the middle of—"

"Ok I gotta go."

"Lunch deten—"


"Valentine huh?"

"W-What? Nooo. She was talking to somebody else."

"Uh huh."

"August I swear, it wasn't me."

"Why are you so hell bent on me not finding out who you are?"


"Because why?"

"I like mystery?"

"Oh is that so?"

"Hellz yeah. I'm not just a Marvel fan. Besides, it's too early for you to find out who I am."

"We've been talking for nearly three months."

"And that's too early. We gotta at least make it to a year."

"A year without putting a pretty voice to an even prettier person? I can't wait that long kitten."

"First of all, don't call me that—"

"Don't call you pretty?"

"No—I mean yeah, well, that too. You don't know what I look like and you know I don't like being called that ridiculous stereotypical pet name."

"You are pretty...Auddie."

"Auddie? Really?"

"Yeah. If you don't like me calling you kitten then I will stop. But I'm not changing it from Auddie. I kinda like it."

"I think I...kinda like it too."


"I sense you're smiling."

"Well you're sensing correct."

"Haha...w-well umm, how 'bout that math?"

"Anything to hear your pretty voice..."

Audrey's Secret | A Dialogue Story Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt