31 - my sister's keeper

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^^^Incoming Call From Auddie^^^


"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm alright. Sore, and have a bad headache but I'm ok."

"You scared the hell out of me!"

"Did it really look that bad?"

"Look? It sounded worse than anything! You were laying unconscious on the field after getting hit by—was he even human? That...thing was giant and plowed right into you."

"All I remember is getting ready to throw then—nothing. They told me there was a collision and my helmet flew all the way from our end zone to the other."

"It was insane. I honestly thought you died."

"Did you cry?"


"You totally did."

"That's not the point. I almost jumped over the railing to get to you."


"Yeah! There was a loud clash and you were limp. It scared the hell out of me. I thought your mom was gonna pass out."

"You—wait what? You met my mom?"

"And your brother. They had been behind me the entire four quarters."

"Gotta be honest, I'm kinda jelly."


"I wanna talk to you in person."

"You will."


"The dance, stupid."

"That's soooo longgg."

"Three weeks ain't gonna kill ya."

"It might."

"One, it won't. Two, you're being over dramatic."

"What can I say, I'm excited."

"Me too..."

"...doesn't sound like it."

"I'm just nervous, thats all."

"What's to be nervous about?"

"Oh I don't know, making a fool out of myself, dancing like a drunk squirrel, looking like I just walked out of Frankenstein the movie."

"You'll look great."

"What if I shaved my head?"

"It's not your hair that makes you beautiful."

"What if I dressed as Pennywise?"

"Still beautiful."

"What about—"

"Audrey, there's nothing in this world that can make you anything less than a ten out of ten."

"You're wrong."

"Pretty sure I'm not."


"I'm gonna go to bed. It's late. I just wanted to check and see if you were ok."

"Thanks for that. Goodnight Audrey."

"Night August."



"Frankenstein? More like My Sisters Keeper."


Sorry for the late update today.
Just wanted to put something out...

P.S (The ending of this chapter won't make sense unless you've seen the movie)

P.S.S (Took me courage to write that last part too)

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