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"So how'd your date go?"


"Your date, with that girl Cindy."

"Oh that. Right. It was great."



"Where'd you take her?"


"It better not have been to the movies. You never want to take a girl there on your first date unless a new marvel movie came out."

"We went to the uh...the—sophisticated restaurant down town."

"The Lotus?"

"Yes—nice place huh?"

"Very...How did you get the money to afford that?"

"I've been...saving up."

"Awe how cute. What'd you guys order?"

"Why do you want to know so bad?"

"I'm a nosy person, August. You should know that."

"Right. We had a joint plate of spaghetti."

"Ooo, did that Lady and the Tramp thing happen?"

"Yes—oh my gosh. It was kind of embarrassing actually. Why is that even a thing? It's messy and the noodle has to break off somehow when you're kissing then the other person—or whoever—has to slurp that part of the noodle down. I got sauce on my face but she just laughed and wiped it off for me."

"That sounds...perfect. What's she like?"

"She's amazing, Auddie. I've never met a girl that makes me feel this way."

"That's great. So have you asked her to be your girlfriend yet?"

"Uh...not yet. I was planning to do that on our date next...next week."

"Where you going?"

"I was thinking on that big hill just outside of town where it over looks the entire city."

"Better have a nice meal whipped up. She sounds like a keeper. You don't want to mess something like that up."

"I know..."



"Yeah Auddie?"

"If she's going to be your girlfriend then...I don't think we should talk anymore."

"W-What? Why?"

"Because. When you have someone in your life like that, you are telling them 'you're all I need' , and talking to other girls is forbidden, even if it's just a friendship."

"It doesn't have to be like that. We can still—"

"It's ok August. You'll live."

"But you're my phone call buddy."

"Not anymore."

"No we'll—"


"I need you, Audrey."


"What you need to do is hang up, call her, and make sure she's available for next week. Oh—and get her some flowers. Girls love flowers."

"Hold on for just a minute—"

"Goodbye August."



"There...is no Cindy."

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