8 - call me back

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^^^ Incoming call from August^^^

^^^Incoming call from August^^^


"You took forever to-"

"Haha just kidding. I can't answer right now. Leave a message after the beep or whatever."

- BEEP -

"Umm, hey. I didn't expect you not to answer but you're obviously too busy right now. I just wanted to call and say that, well, to say hi and that mom's doing fine. She's healing up pretty well. So, yeah. Call me back when you can. Bye."


^^^Incoming call from August^^^

^^^Incoming call from August^^^



"Haha just kidding. I can't answer right now. Leave a message after the beep or whatever."

"Forgot about that..."

- BEEP -

"Hey Audrey. It's been a week or so. Hope you're doing gooda. Hah, see what I did there? Gooda. Cheeseanyways, it's weird because I know we haven't been talking for that long but...it feels like I've known you longer than that. Actually miss your sarcastic attitude. There's just something about it. Well, like I said before, just call or text whenever you can. Bye."


^^^Incoming call from August^^^

^^^Incoming call from August^^^



"Haha just kidding. I can't answer right now. Leave a massage after the beep or whatever."

- BEEP -

"It's been two weeks. Sorry for bugging you if you're out of town or camping. I don't know why you'd be camping cause it's April. But who knows, you could be homeschooled. I don't know. Mom is getting out of the hospital today. I'm pretty excited. Dad's actually gonna attempt to make dinner which should be interesting. So if you don't hear from me after this it's because he burnt down the house—"

"Pretty sure dad's a way better cook than you are."

"Get out."



"Get the hint bro. You scared her off."

"I gotta go."

"Wait—wait—Audrey! He likes y—"


Audrey's Secret | A Dialogue Story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang