25 - why me?

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"Hey, you weren't at school the past two days. Everything ok?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine."


"It doesn't sound like it."

"I'm ok. Don't worry about it—"

"Are you crying?"


"...I just have bad allergies."

"Oh. Ok...well, you missed a Spanish test—and a chem test—and a—"

"Hey Auggie?"


"Why'd you ask me to the dance and not anyone else?"


"No, I need to know why."

"I think you know why."

"But...why ME?"

"Why you?"

"Yeah. Why me."

"You're smart."


"Is that it?"

"You're attractive."

"Mhm. Righttt."

"I...its hard to explain, Audrey."

"Please. Tell me."


"Remember when we were kids and use to be neighbors?"

"Yeah but what does that have to do with anything?"

"The kids from a block down came over and we're picking on me. Dad was at work—mom took Ryan and Carley to get haircuts. I was left with a babysitter that fell asleep. No one saw them push me or heard them tell me I was worthless."

"Then I came over and punched one of them in the face."

"They ran so fast, it was hilarious, especially seeing them afraid of a girl."


"Didn't mean that in a bad way."

"My point is...you were there when no one else was. I know I—when I moved, things changed. We didn't really talk after that and that's my fault. So, I want to make up for lost time."

"A lot has happened..."

"I know—"

"No, no you really don't."

"What do you mean?"

"I—its a lot to explain—"


"I'm sorry I have to go. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah...I guess."


"Bye August."

"Talk to you later, Audrey."


"The hell is going on?"

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