Back on Tour, is it Time?

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{ 3 Months Later }

^Gracie's PoV^

"I swear to god Elvis if you don't stop playing that goddamn song I'm going to tell Georgie not to dance with you. It's so bloody annoying!" I say as I walk past his room.

"Sorry little sis! Did you say louder?" He asked a hint of playfulness in his voice as the musics volume increased.

I groaned but giggled.

I wasn't overreacting at all, Elvis had literally been playing that song non stop since he asked Georgie to marry him.

Don't get me wrong I was so happy that my brother was getting married, (I'd been using the term brother for Elvis for a long while now. He was my family and I loved him), but he never stopped playing She Moves In Her Own Way by the Kooks. The song him and Georgie were going to dance to for their first dance.

After being moved back into my original bedroom on the second floor I redecorated pretty much everything. Getting rid of posters and collages and having a wall just for pictures of family and 2 Section.

I'd completely gotten rid of all things that reminded me of Allie. We'd had no contact and she's transferred from 2 Section.

So far I'd not had any luck on the love front but I didn't mind. I had plenty to do and keep me occupied and my recuperation was far more important than going out on dates. I was loving being solo and free.

Today was the day, after months of rehab and physiotherapy, that I was going back to 2 Section.

I was glad to be going back and more so that my sister-in-law to be was also a medic on 2 Section. Me and Georgie had an awesome bond, she was 7 years older than me but she didn't treat me like a little kid. It was pretty awesome to not be the only girl in the house too. Both of us were going back on tour today.

To Nigeria, for a training project and to help the Nigerian army. Anything could literally happen but I had to be prepared, you had to be out there.

I was currently stood in front of my mirror, clad in my khaki bottoms and combat boots and my musty green shirt. I lifted it up to look at my scar and sighed. Still pink and looking fresh it was my souvenir.

It was just a reminder.

I pulled my top down and finished sorting out my uniform, I heard a knock at the door and smiled seeing Georgie.

She walked over, looking flawless as she always did. She adjusted my beret, as Ollie had done before I went on my first tour. I was over the moon when Elvis had proposed. They were such a perfect match.

"Thanks Georgie, are you ready?" I asked as I picked up my bags. Heavy as usual but nothing I couldn't handle at all.

"Yep, absolutely. Out of one smelly, testosterone infested household to an even more testosterone infested barracks. I'm looking forward to it." She said rolling her eyes before we both laughed. We throw around a lot of banter about the boys, and we get back just as much. The house wouldn't be home without it.

Both of us left my bedroom and began to descend the stairs, as we reached the bottom we saw Elvis and Ollie stood by the door. They'd be seeing us off and making sure they got us there on time. Truth be told Ollie wasn't ready for me to go back, I could see it in his eyes. But he'd never hold me back.

I still had nightmares. Some nights I had Ollie by my side, some nights it was Elvis, others it was Georgie. But no matter whatever time I always had someone and I loved all the support, but I was scared they'd get worse on tour. I'd confided in Georgie about this but she promised she'd be there.

Charlie said be at Brize Norton by 0800 hours and it was 0700 hours now.

It was going to be a long tour but at the end of it all Elvis and Georgie would be getting married and I couldn't be happier. I was a bridesmaid. Alongside Georgie's sisters Marie and Lulu. We'd become close too, so many weekends we'd been shopping together.

My mood was in between about everything, though one thing I wasn't happy about was I had the blasted song stuck in my head, and I kept repeating 'She Moves In Her Own Way.' It really was going to be a long tour.

The drive to Brize Norton was quiet but a sort of tranquil quiet instead of a forced silence.

I was worried that I wasn't ready to go back; but I'd been cleared and had retrained and refreshed my skills.

It was a seven week tour, Nigeria, Belize and Bangladesh.

I was just nervous but I tried not to let it get in my way. I felt Georgie's hand touch my shoulder and I turned to her and smiled. The car had just come to a halt.

"Okay Grace?" She asked, her eyes were searching mine.

"Okay George." I say with a small nod.

Though I was feeling rather nervous I couldn't stay down or miserable in the presence of the lads. They'd formed such a great bond with Georgie too.

"McClyde!! Lane!!" Brains and Fingers were the first ones to spot us as we entered the airport.

The whole of 2 Section were soon surrounding us and a group hug was in order.

My family couldn't get any more amazing than this.

I saw Charlie walk in and immediately we all stood in a line, straight backed and straight faced.

"At ease you hairy arsed lot, and the ladies." He said winking at me and Georgie.

God I bloody loved Charlie so much; I was so thankful to have him in my life.

"Now, you lot, I expect top form from every single one of you out there. It's going to be a trying seven weeks. But I have faith in you all. So you bunch of cockwombles, stay alert, stay focused, stay alive. Get on the plane now!" Charlie bellowed in his ever present dominant captain voice.

I quickly turned and ran to hug Ollie and Elvis.

"I'm gonna miss you both, I'll try FaceTime when I can. Me and Georgie don't want to come home to a complete mess either. So keep the house clean yeah?" I say and I can tell Ollie wants to cry. Letting me go back after what happened last time has been hard for him. Elvis too.

"Hey, I'm going to be okay, and I'm coming home. Not going to miss my brothers wedding. I love you Ol, and you Elvis." I say and kiss their cheeks stepping back so Georgie could bid her farewells.

Once goodbyes were over me and Georgie joined 2 Section on the plane.

This was it...back on tour. No turning back now.

Here's to hot weather and sweaty lads.


Chapter 5!!!!!!!!

Sort of a filler, I have so much action planned!

I just had to have Georgie and Elvis in my story. They'll always be my number 1, and I'm going to give them the wedding they deserve. But not without drama-(insert evil cackle here)- :)

I shall see you tomorrow hopefully with Chapter 6, though I'm going to be on holiday starting this weekend so updates may vary. But I'll try keep on top of things.

Good day/night my beautiful readers.


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