Bombshells and Wedding bells.

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^Gracie's PoV^

One. More. Week.

That's all that was left of this gruelling tour. I was exhausted and missing home.

I hated the hot weather and even though I'd acclimatised to the conditions I still managed to sweat buckets.

Sleeping wasn't something that came to me and generally if it did I was woken by a nightmare.

I missed Ollie and Elvis and just home in general.

"Gracie?! Gracie!!" I could hear my name being called.

Something wasn't right, I hastily finished sorting the medical supplies and ran out.

Kingy and Georgie were stood on the other end of the compound and I could see they were watching a man walk away.

I didn't think anything of it; but they looked worried and kept looking at a van that had been left just 30 metres away from me.

"Gracie! Run!" Georgie was shouting at me but they weren't moving. Why?

Then everything went dark, I was thrown backwards and my ears were ringing. A huge blast had resonated around the compound.

I closed my eyes and was engulfed by the thick black smoke.


^Georgie's PoV^

Right now I was sat in the waiting room of the local hospital hoping and praying that Grace was okay.

There'd been a man who'd drove into the compound and suddenly he'd gotten out and walked away, abandoning his truck in front of the medical tent.

I shouted for Gracie. I knew something was wrong.

But it was too late. She'd been hit by the explosion and was now in surgery to try and stem some small internal bleeds.

I'd been sat in the same spot for over 2 hours when a doctor walked out. His eyes landed on me.

"Gracelynn McClyde?" He asked in a very monotonous tone.

I stood up immediately. I hadn't even had chance to inform Elvis or Ollie.

I followed him dreading what state my soon to be sister in law would be in.

I was taken to a bed and I saw her, she had multiple flesh wounds on her cheeks and she'd sustained a deep laceration on her arm along with some internal bleeding.

She was 'lucky' apparently.

She was still under the sedative but I sat down on the highly uncomfortable plastic hospital chair and waited, holding her hand, wishing for her to wake up soon.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew my name was being whispered.

I prised my head from my arm and looked up. Gracie's brown eyes were staring back at me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked standing up and fluffing her pillows and checking her IV.

"Absolutely fantastic," She said with a small grin, "but in all honesty pretty good, a bit sore and battered but I'm okay. Is everyone else okay? Nobody else got hurt did they? Are you okay?" She started firing off questions at me and I moved my hand to tuck her dishevelled hair behind her ear.

"Calm down sweetie. I'm okay and so's everyone else. You just can't seem to keep out of trouble eh?" I say and watch as the doctor walks over.

"She can go now, I'm happy that's she'll be able to recuperate back at the barracks. So I'll pull the curtain round so she can get dressed and if you could sign these papers for her discharge it would be appreciated." The Doctor was kind and understanding, I noticed an English lilt to his voice, he was definitely from England.

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