Let Me Love You

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{{Edited - 12/05/2020}}

^Gracie's PoV^

I groan as I feel someone tickling my feet, it was too early to wake up. 9:30 was what my digital clock read.

For the past 3 months none of 2 Section had been on tour; ever since Georgie and Elvis' wedding things have been quiet. They enjoyed a honeymoon in Barbados for two weeks and me, Ollie, Fingers, who's real name was actually Frankie, were enjoying R&R. Since Fingers wasn't on the best terms with his family he was staying with us. After the explosion, before Georgie's wedding, I'd recuperated and was back to my normal self.

Over the course of being on tour and then the last 3 months me and Frankie had gotten closer and although I really did like him I was apprehensive and scared. Scared of getting hurt again.

Many nights he'd be the one to hold me and stop me crying when I woke from a nightmare.

I knew he'd never hurt me and I knew he had feelings for me too. I was just too scared to make that leap.

"Amazing Graceeee, wake up!!" I recognised it to be Frankie his use of the nickname he'd given me made me blush and I was glad my hair covered my face.

"Ya know it's rude to wake up a lady when she's trying to get some beauty sleep." I said and giggled as he pulled the covers off of me.

"You don't need beauty sleep Grace." He said rolling his eyes, Gracie caught him doing this action and smiled to herself.

"Frankie! It's cold you knumpty!" I tried to pull the covers back over my exposed body, I was only in shorts and a tank top.

Then I was lifted from the bed and being taken out of my room, by Frankie who had me in a fireman's lift.

I wasn't impressed and as we descended the stairs and looked behind us and saw Georgie and Elvis laughing their heads off.

"Don't encourage him!" I said sticking my middle finger up at them both.

He set me down finally on the counter, he was dressed already, in some camo cargo shorts and a blue polo neck.

"Are you off somewhere?" I ask as he hands me a glass of orange juice.

"Nope. Just wanted to put clothes on. Problem McClyde? Would you rather me not wear anything?" He asked turning to face me. A shit eating grin on his face.

"..maybe..." I muttered my face going bright red. That's the first thing I'd said regarding my feelings and I was totally embarrassed.

I jumped off the counter and proceeded to run upstairs. As quick as I'd ever done it before I changed into my running gear and sped past Georgie in the hall and my brother in the living room.

"Off out for a run!" I said and without a second glance I left the house, flustered and warm.

I decided to take a longer route today, I didn't want to go back and face Frankie after saying that. I was so stupid.

It wasn't exactly early early, but for me on Saturday I consider 10am to be early.

I ran at my normal pace for the first 20 minutes and then when I reached the park I began to push myself to go faster. I'd trained and had rehab after both incidents but the doctors said that the damage done by my ribs to my lungs was irreparable, it was worsened by the smoke inhalation from the explosion as well. I was told that I'd never be able to run as fast as I used to and I should never try but today, all of that had completely slipped my mind.

I was so focused on pushing myself that I kept on running. The speed was building up and my legs were starting to burn.

My vision was suddenly invaded with black spots and I stumbled. I was struggling to push the oxygen back into my lungs. I was almost home. I could see the house but I had to sit down.

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