One Step, Two Step, Three Step...Four!

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{{Edited - 12/05/2020}}

11 Months Later

^Gracie's PoV^

"Babe? I love you and I'll see you later, I'm heading out to Georgie's. I'm bring Lil with me so you have the house to yourself." I shout up the stairs, Lilly was sat on my hip playing with my necklace mumbling 'mama' over and over.

"Okay angel give George my love, and tell Elvis congrats. I love you most and again happy birthday my love." He replies and then I know he's in the shower. I was 20 today but I didn't really make a big thing about it.

I leave and make sure to lock the door. I strap Lilly in her car seat and then drive to Georgie's.

Only two days previous had Georgie given birth to a healthy baby girl, named Isabella-Grace. I'd been honoured by the fact that their decision for Grace was because of how much I meant to them.

Me, Frankie and Ollie had been asked to be godparents and we'd gratefully accepted. I had also learnt that Marie was pregnant and I was going to be auntie to a little boy.

It seemed like only yesterday Lilly was a tiny newborn and now she was 1 in 1 month and could say 'mama' and 'dada' and was close to saying so many other things.

She'd mastered crawling and standing but not walking yet, me and Frankie were on edge and wanted to capture the exact moment.

The car ride was literally only 20 minutes and Lilly knew exactly where we were going, and she kept mumbling to herself.

"GiGi. GiGi." I always referred to Georgie as Auntie GiGi and Lilly had taken to the name as quick as she had been able to say mama and dada.

Lilly struggled with Elvis and was close to saying Ollie but I knew that it would all come with time.

The last eleven months had flown by. I'd stopped breastfeeding at 6 months but I still expressed and introduced cows milk as well.

But me and Frankie had had a long discussion and had decided that we would start weaning her in a couple of weeks and get her slowly off of milk and start with meals.

I pulled up at Georgie and Elvis's house and stopped the ignition. Grabbing the bag and then Lilly before opening the gate and walking up to their front door.

"GiGi! Gigi!" Lilly clapped her chubby little hands together.

She was the spitting image of me according to Frankie, even though I saw a lot of him in her facial features.

She had dark curls, as I had done when I was a baby and definitive green eyes, just like Frankie. They'd changed from the piercing blue at 2 months old and they just made her look even cuter.

I knocked on the door and Elvis opened it, he ushered me inside and then kissed my cheek. I hugged him as best I could with Lilly on my hip and then she was reaching for him.

Elvis was her second fun Uncle, and I think she saw him as that. But Ollie had stolen her heart and she was reaching for him before he'd even seen her and she'd seen him first.

"Hey Grace. Hello little miss Lilly-Rose, happy birthday Gracie." He said walking into the living room.

"Thanks Elvis where's my little niece?" I asked wanting to see the beautiful girl that the couple had made.

"Upstairs. Our room, I'll watch Lil, George is just getting her dressed." Elvis replies and then I hear Lilly's laughter and it's like an angels.

I ascend the carpeted staircase and knock on the door before walking in. Georgie turns to me and smiles, on the bed was Isabella-Grace. And my she was beautiful.

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