Healing and Hope.

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{{Edited - 12/05/2020}}

5 Months Later

^Gracie's PoV^

Today marks my 38th week of pregnancy, and five months since we lost Alexander.

I'd been so more protective over the last 5 months, doing everything possible to make sure Lilly was okay, and healthy.

Everyone was devastated by the news, Ollie and Elvis were cut up and felt awful about being away for so long, but to tell the truth I was glad they weren't here, so see me cry myself to sleep every night. To hear me pace around the nursery, trying not to sob. It still catches me off guard sometimes, and everything just stops.

Through it all though I had Frankie, we mourned our son and we kept each other together, even when we wanted to fall apart.

So that's where I was right now, in bed with my husband, as he spoke to our daughter on a cold morning in November.

She hadn't stopped kicking me all night and Frankie had stayed up making sure I was comfortable, so right now, she was sleeping finally. I snuggled close to Frankie as he covered us with the duvet.

We had no plans for the day, I was due in 2 weeks and I was scared to say the least, but excited too to finally meet our beautiful baby girl.

I don't think either of us had been able to fall asleep so when Frankie got up I frowned, it was cold. He walked to my side of the bed and leaned over to kiss me; he then scooped me up and began to leave our room.

"Frankie? Baby, what're you doing?" I ask.

My arms were wrapped around his neck. He held me tightly, as if he didn't want to let me go.

"I'm going to take you into the living room, run you a bath and then once we're dressed we are going to do something for our little boy. To remember him." Frankie kisses my forehead and I smile sadly. I don't know how I deserved such an amazing man.

Staying true to his word he did run me a bath, we were dressed within the hour and on the road.

We'd decided to get a tree to plant in the back garden, a way to remember him every time we saw the tree. It would be something Lilly would grow up with too.

-/-/- A Few Hours Later

I pulled out the plaque from the box adorning Alexander's name. I ran my fingers over the engraving.

' Alexander Charles Stille.
Gone too soon, a baby taken to heaven before his time. He shall live on in our hearts. May he rest in peace.'

I sighed and watched as Frankie dug a hole and covered it with insulation before planting the tree. He beckoned me and I walked outside.

Together we laid down the plaque.

"Sleep well my angel." I whispered and Frankie pulled me close and we let a few tears fall, Frankie and me went back inside.

Now we could remember our son just by looking into the garden.

"Movie and cuddles babe?" Frankie turned to me as I sat on the couch. 

He knew me too well.

"Always." I said and we spent the rest of the day just us, laid together watching movie after movie. Healing and hoping for better things to come.


One Week Later

^Gracie's PoV^

"Boys! Dinner, and you better have washed your hands." I shout, as if I was talking to three children, a typical Sunday in our household consisted of me and Georgie cooking a big Sunday roast and Elvis, Frankie and Ollie catching up and playing whatever games they played upstairs.

The three men, more like boys, walked into the kitchen, Ollie was flicking water at Elvis and Frankie was trying to rub what I presumed was soap in Elvis's hair. The sight was hilarious. They never failed to put a smile on my face.

"I know that I'm having a baby in a week but it already feels like I'm a mum to all of you lot, now sit." I instructed and Frankie came over to kiss me softly.

"Put her down! I want to eat!" I heard Ollie and Elvis say in sync. I wrapped my arms around Frankie's neck and flipped both lads off.

"Go on babe. Me and George will serve it up." I say and then get to sorting everyone out.

I put the porcelain plates in everyone's places and then took off my apron, my belly stuck out and Lilly was forever kicking. I sit down and Elvis gets up and tucks my chair in for me.

"Thanks, such a gentleman, you've done well George." I say with a giggle and Georgie's laughter following.

I watched as everyone poured themselves a glass of wine while I sat at the table with my water, though I'd never even contemplate drinking whilst I was pregnant I did miss the occasional drink with the lads or the girls on a night out. Even just a glass of wine on a perfect evening in with Frankie.

But one week from now and we'd be meeting Lilly, and to tell the truth I couldn't wait any longer.

I just wanted her to be safe and sound.

I'd barely eaten a quarter of my food when I got a Braxton Hicks contraction. Something I'd been experiencing for quite a while, knowing they'd be coming and going I stood up.

"I'm just excusing myself, I won't be a minute." I say and everyone looks to me, Frankie's eyes connect with mine and I send him a small nod. He knew whenever they'd happen. He always stuck by my side, I knew that whatever happened during the labour he'd be there to hold my hand.

Frankie's hand reaches for mine and we walk into the living room, small groans escape my lips as it intensifies. Frankie rubs circles on the small of my back and let's me latch onto his hand.

"You okay angel?" He asks, I stand myself up as it eases off and nod pulling him in for a soft kiss.

"I love you so much baby." I whisper, our foreheads connected. He looks into my eyes with his perfect green orbs.

"I love you so much more." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and then helps me back to the table, I was about to sit down when I heard a small pop and then a liquid a bit thicker than water ran down my leg.

"..Grace? Is it time?" Frankie was immediately by my side again, I saw Georgie grabbing the hospital bag and both my brothers stood awaiting the nod.

"I think so, time to have a baby." I say Elvis grabs the car keys and Ollie has the door already. Everyone was smiling and I couldn't help but let a grin form on my lips.

Time to have a baby.



Sorry! I wanted for you guys to wait a little, instead of piling it all in one chapter, I know, I know. I'm evil. 😈

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, and as always good day/night my awesomely awesome readers.

Oh and thanks for 210 reads!! Made my day. ❤️


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