Chapter 3

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Thierry slept like shit, he woke up on the floor, after being on his own and not in a house for over 2 years he doesn't like beds and prefers the floor, he sat up and looked around, dragging his hand over his face.

Azee didn't sleep that well, the thoughts of being Thierry's mate laid heavily on her. She sighed.

Thierry stood up, he wanted to talk to his mate and show her he wasn't all that bad. He opened his door and looked around, no one was there. He smelled the air, smelling the vampires and his mate, he followed the scent to her door. He stood there not knowing what to do.

Azee laid in bed still, wondering on what to do. That was then she noticed a shadow come through from beneath her door. She spoke, "Whose there?"

Thierry was startled when he heard sound come from the room, "It's um... Thierry....Can we talk?" His voice sounded broken, like he was in major pain.

Azee frowned, but his broken voice thawed her mistrust a little. She approached her door, opening it just enough for Thierry to see her face. "Fine, but I hardly believe anything you say will change my mind." she said with a little snip

Thierry flinched back some at her tone toward him, "I'm not like the others.." He said trailing off at the end of his words, he looked up at her, his hair covering part of his face.

"Really, cause yesterday didn't look like it. You attacked both the Princes and was going to take me by force. So, I apologize if I'm not seeing the difference in you from your animistic brethren.

"I had just found you...I was scared they would take you from me when I had just found you..." He said looking down, his voice heartbroken.

Azee chewed on her bottom lip in thought. Guess she could understand that. She crossed her arms, opening the door so Thierry could see her wholly in her night gown. "Fine. I'll try this mate thing with you, but if you don't prove me wrong or piss me off then you will leave. Understood?" she said.

Thierry broke out with a smile, "Thank you Azee" He said smiling, He kept his eyes level with her face, he wasn't a dick and didn't want to disrespect her any.

Azee hmphed, "I'm going to get dressed and take a walk. I'll guess you'll want to come along?"

"Yes, I would like to come along." He said still looking at her face, he fumbled with his hands, in reality he was very nervous but was trying not to show it.

"Very well. Give me a few." she said. She closed the door, before she began dressing.

Thierry stepped back from the door, waiting nervously.

Azee dressed in some trousers and a shirt, a sword at her hip, and some leather guards. "It's for protection. " she said to Thierry as she exited out her room.

"Protection from who?" Thierry asked walking after Azee, his hands in his pockets. Annabelle stumbled up the steps of a castle, she was hungry and couldn't walk anymore, she fell to the ground in front of the doors, passed out.

Azee side glanced at him as they walked, "Just in case someone foolishly decides to pick a bone with me." She simply said.

"But I'm..." Thierry stopped himself from what he was going to say, He figured she could take care of herself since she stood up to him when he was in wolf mode. Thierry smiled to himself and walked next to her.

Meanwhile, Erik heard a thud outside of the front door, and when he opened the door, he saw a small child rolled up in a ball. All he could do was pick her up and rush her to the clinic inside. He could tell she was like him but why she didn't have any parents confused him.

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