Chapter 24

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News of Erik and Bella's death was out, the kingdom in mourning. Azee awoke to a quiet castle, only a handful of servant and doctors were present. As usual, Azee breastfeed Roman, before dressing. She took Roman along as she went to see Mercy. It has to be hard losing two loved ones on the same day.

Mercy was in her room. She locked the door and wouldn't even let Remmy in to comfort her. She felt like she wanted to die. Even Vlad was quiet, and they didn't talk to each other about what happened. Mercy heard a knock at the door but didn't even look up or answer to see who it was.

Azee sighed softly, "I know you're in there Mercy, I just wanted to check up on you. If you need anything, you know where to find me." She left, leaving Mercy to think. She then went over to Vlad's office, she knew he was in there. She didn't approve that Vlad wasn't mourning with Mercy, but at the same time she understood. She spoke, "Vlad, I can't imagine how much you're hurting, but don't forget that your daughter is hurting, too. She needs you." After saying her piece, she went outside deciding to check on the pack.

Mercy knew where Azee was coming from. However, she wasn't there when Erik died so she couldn't fathom what her father was going through. She thought about going to comfort him. When she finally left her room and went to his office, she saw him drinking and looking a complete mess. "Dad! What are you doing!" Slurring his words, "Get out of here. you don't belong here. You're a mistake, something that cost Erik his life."

Remmy felt hurt coming through the mate bond, for the past day it was mostly sadness, He came out of the room he was staying in and went to find Mercy. He checked her room and seen she wasn't in there. "Maybe she's with Vlad.' He thought. He started to walk towards Vlad's office.

"I'm the mistake! Right now, you're a joke! The whole kingdom is there for you, but you just threw them aside." Tears running down her face she whispered the last part, "I know what you are going through, I lost Bella. You lost Erik. Just please, I can't fight with you. I just can't."

Remmy heard Mercy and Vlad talking, he stopped and listened to them, quickly masking his scent so they wouldn't know he was there.

"Well, Mercedes I can't do anything for you. Maybe you should leave with the pack and get of this land." "You don't mean that. Please!"

Remmy listened, he could tell Vlad was drunk, which was odd being a prince vampire...must have been drinking a lot to get drunk.

"See your mate isn't even here. Maybe he doesn't love you either." Mercy just fell to the floor in front of the desk. "Stop! Please! You don't mean what you're saying!"

"Actually Vlad, I am here. Have been since you told her to get lost." Remmy walked in, He walked over to Mercy, picking her up. "You are a lame excuse for a leader." He said walking out carrying Mercy with him.

"Take her! See if I care!" He yelled at Remmy.

Remmy stopped and spun on his heel and faced Vlad. "Erik wouldn't want you like this, telling your DAUGHTER to get off your lands is fucked up. You are a lame excuse for a leader and I wouldn't be surprised if someone came and took over." Remmy took a breath, "You are supposed to be a prince, not some drunk who can't even walk." He said and walked out, closing the door as he did.

"Remmy, you don't think I'm a mistake, do you?" Mina without asking Mercy, contacted Thierry and Azee trying to have someone shape him up.

"No my love, you aren't a mistake. Vlad's just drunk." Remmy spoke kissing Mercy's head. Thierry heard Mina in his head and grinned, He stopped what he was doing with the pack and went inside the house towards Vlad's office. He opened the door to see a drunk Vlad, "Oh come on dude." He said shaking his head. Knowing Vlad wouldn't put up much of a fight, Thierry picked him up and threw him over his shoulder, taking him outside and throwing him on the ground.

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