Chapter 14

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Thierry stood at one end of the clearing, he was tasked with watching the newly shifted male pups practice fighting, His older sister by 2 years was at the other end, talking to the female pups, he toned in his hearing, "Now when you meet your mate you will know its them, but to confirm its them you first much touch them." Thierry stopped listening. A weaker pup had just gotten their ass handed to them by the beta's son. He stood up and walked to them, " I told you to go easy on him." He shoved the beta's son backwards away from the kid on the ground, Thierry watched as the kids eyes shifted red, "Oh, so you are going to challenge me?" Thierry asked with a smirk, the kid growled and charged Thierry, Thierry side stepped, sending the kid into the ground. Isaac (Beta's son) stood up and shifted quickly, lunging at Thierry he clamped his jaws onto Thierry's arm, out of pain Thierry's nail came out, shooting across Isaac's neck, killing him.

Everyone in the pack could feel the shift of someone dying, Thierry was screwed. The only adult in the area was his sister, and she had to take him to the Alpha, their father. Thierry sighed and went willingly with her to the office, Everyone outside was staring at him, they knew what he had done. He kept his head downcasted till they got into the office. He was left alone with their father Adam and Isaac's father Benn.
"What did you do Thierry!" His father all but shouted at him.
"Isaac attacked me in wolf form, I didn't mean to kill him." Thierry said keeping his eyes downcasted.
"No matter what, accident or not. You know what we must do." Adam said standing up and walking toward Thierry. Thierry kept looking down, knowing what was about to come.
"Thierry Vanchure, Punishment for killing a pack member is frowned upon. I Adam Vanchure Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack hereby makes Thierry Vanchure a rogue, no longer to be accepted into any pack for as long as he shall live." His father announced out-loud and through the pack link. Thierry's body shuddered as he felt the pack connection being stripped from him body. A single tear fell from his eye. "Im sorry son, But you have 30 mins to get your stuff and get off pack lands." His father said turning his back to Thierry.
"I'm sorry father." Thierry said before leaving the office, he ran up to his room and grabbed the only thing he wanted, The crescent moon symbol, he put it around his neck and walked out of the pack house, he shifted, shredding his clothes, he took off running knowing he had to get out of the lands, he headed away from all pack lands and everything he knew.


However did I get into this mess? I thought as I went around the castle, cleaning the rooms. Of course, her situation could be much worse. She could have been raped and killed. Instead, she was saved by the very Vampire Prince, himself. She was scared, but also too weak to fight/flight. So she exchanged her servitude to him in return for saving her life. Then the Prince known as Vlad explained to me about his father. He would lie to him about buying me from the market, so I may live. I met the old vampire and I was struck with fear. I cowered behind Vlad, but through and through I was allowed to stay.

Erik's Past 1:

Erik was always a such child, not knowing how to defend himself and how to act grown-up. That being said, he didn't have much going for him. Erik was busy looking for his mate, but it was very hard to talk to men once they knew you were gay. Most of his schoolmates were no longer talking to him, so he had to figure out other ways to be social.

"MOTHER! I'm heading out with some friends!" He was hoping that his mother wouldn't stop him but he know that she would.

"Jasper. Don't think you're leaving this hut young man. You are allowing yourself to be picked on. You can't do that to yourself."

Mom has all of the right answers and sees right through me but, I can't help myself. I don't want to end up like her. Alone. She won't talk about him much but when she does, it's sad. She misses him but he was also a horrible person to her and others. I want to meet him but also he terrifies me. I wish I was Prince, someone who had others to talk to, never alone.

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