Chapter 6

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Azee should be happy that she had been promoted, but she wasn't. After such news, she was shocked and kindly tried declining, but Vlad wouldn't have any of it. She stormed off and went to her quarters. Neither of them will understand her refusal.

Thierry followed after Azee confused, "Hey, wait up." He said after her.

Azee paused at her door, turning to face Thierry. "What?" She asked.

"What's wrong?" He asked standing in front of Azee, "Why don't you like your promotion?" He asked.

Azee looked away, she didn't like to open up about her problems.

"Look you don't have to tell me why right now, I understand if you don't want to tell me." Thierry said watching Azee

Azee looked at Thierry," I know I should be happy, but I don't want to be responsible for lives and plans. I know that some fighters will die, and my plans will fail sometimes. I just don't want that burden. " She spoke.

"I can help you." Thierry said looking around at the walls.

"I don't want anyone's help and I sure as hell don't want this promotion. " she snapped, irritated.

"There's no need to get mad at me, all I did was offer my help." Thierry said his voice has gotten deeper as he spoke, he took a deep breath and calmed down.

Azee said, "I don't need your help. " Azee was for sure a stubborn woman.

Vlad was sitting in his office looking very confused at why Azee stormed off. For some reason he thought that she would be thrilled at the chance to practice more of her skills. He hoped that Erik and Bella were having a grand time out, but he needed someone to talk to since everyone stormed out of his office. He ordered some people to the outskirt villages to lay traps for those people, and damn if they come back, he was going to find a witch and raise the dead to fight.

"How was the Ice cream? Are you ready to head home? Erik was Bella was getting somewhat tired, after all they did have a big day!

Annabelle yawned and nodded her head to Erik "Go see V!" She said happily.

Erik thought to himself "I wonder what he's been doing all day, locked in his office. I hope it's nothing too serious." "How would you like to take a magical carriage ride back to the castle?" Erik himself always wanted to do it but he didn't want anyone looking at him funny.

Annabelle looked at Erik with a huge smile "Yes Yes Yes." She said quickly her words blending together as she stood up quickly holding her wolf to her chest.

Erik hailed one down and plopped Bella down in the best seat, next to the driver, so she could see everything. He placed the bags down next to him and they were off back home.

Annabelle looked around at everything, she looked back to Erik "this cool." She said and went back to looking at stuff.

He was getting sleepy, but he could look at her smile forever. "When we get back, we can surprise V in his office! How does that sound?"

Thierry looked at Azee his eyes a very dull yellow, "You need to stop being so damn stubborn." He said pinning her against the wall. "Yah." She said before yawning.

When they got back to the castle people were going crazy, running every which way. "What seems to be the problem?" "There are some guards looking for people with this specific insignia on their body, and if they find it on you they eliminate you right there. Or if they find anything in your possession with it on the item. Everyone is getting rid of their possessions of fear they might belong to their clan they destroyed the village." With that, the person ran away. "People are weird, aren't they Bella."

"Yah...let's see V!!" She said tugging Erik to the door.

Azee was caught off guard, finding herself pinned against the wall by Thierry. Though he didn't touch her, he simply trapped her against the wall with his arms. She looked at him at surprise at first, color flushed into her cheeks. She then got mad, "Unpin me." She said, bristling.

"Stop being so stubborn and I might." He said smirking.

Azee was going to retort but decided to teach the wolf a lesson. Before he could react, Azee kicked his feet from underneath him, causing him to fall on his ass. She smirked down at him, "Tsk Tsk, Thierry you should know very well when you have your prey trapped they will always turn on you to fight back."

Vlad heard some noise outside of his office door, but he didn't know if they were just standing there or waiting to come in his office. He ignored it for minute but all the sudden the door open and in came Erik and Bella with a surprise attack. "Did we scare you?" Eric asked, his eyes beaming with excitement. "Stop teaching her bad habits. I don't have time for nonsense right now anyway," Vlad stated in his businesslike tone. Erik looked a little hurt. "Fine, I'll put her to bed. I take it you're going to be sleeping in your office" he remarked coldly.

Thierry grabbed Azee's leg and pulled her to the floor, he sat on her waist but not his full weight. "I'll give ya that one." He said leaning down toward her.

Annabelle giggled "Wait V, something for you." She said grabbing the smaller wolf from the bag, she walked up to Vlad and handed it to him

Azee gave a yelp of surprise, Thierry straddled her waist. She tries crawling away, seeing him leaning down towards her. "Don't you dare." She said, somehow breathless. Maybe it was the close proximity of a male. She never been this close to them.

"I wouldn't, I'm not that needy." Thierry said looking at her eyes, "You're seeming to like this." He said smiling.

Azee could now feel her face warming up entirely as Thierry looked in her eyes. She looked away, "N-no I'm not. Get off me " she stammered.

Thierry looked at her "don't lie to me." He said. He watched her face, smiling as she started blushing.

Azee spoke, "It only seems that way, because I never had a guy on top me, nonetheless this close to me."

Vlad was taken back with the gift. "Wow, thank you. This must have cost a lot." He smiled as best as he could, but he knew Erik was hurt and standing outside the door not wanting to talk anymore. "Think you can say sorry for me. I think I upset him." He kissed her on the head and motioned to where Erik was standing.

Annabelle looked back to Erik and ran over to him, tugging his arm "V said he sorry for upset you." She said to him.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm not truly mad at him. He can just be so stubborn sometimes that he pushes those he loves away. You did brighten his day with the wolf though." Erik then walked her down to her room, set up her dresses and a servant came in to help her get ready for bed.

Thierry grinned before leaning down more, his lip close to Azee's, "Stop being so stubborn." He said before kissing Azee on the lips.

Azee was frozen, she couldn't seem to move. It's as if her body refused her control when Thierry was this close to her. Her eyes widened as Thierry's lips met hers in a kiss. She gasped in his mouth out of surprise, her hands went to push him off.

"Yay." Annabelle said yawning, she rubbed her eyes, she laid in the bed that was in the room, she held the bigger wolf to her chest and closed her eyes. Thierry grinned and got off Azee and ran off, he knew he over stepped the line and didn't want killed.

Azee sat up, glaring after Thierry as he ran. Anger ran her veins, but it slowly cooled. Her lips tingle where Thierry's lips were. Her body was washed with joy. Azee didn't understand it. She growled in frustration, heading into her quarters and slamming the door shut.

Erik went to bed after Bella was asleep. He hoped Vlad would hurry up and join him. He didn't like to sleep alone but he would if he had to. Erik didn't want the guards to search his stuff or find a reason to harm his daughter. He drifted off to sleep with so many thoughts. Vlad knew he had to head to bed, so he put his battle plan down for the next day and talk to Azee about the promotion and apologize for it being sprung on her suddenly.

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