Chapter 18

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Erik went off to those in the town to tell them about what was happening. They knew that this kingdom was accepting of everyone regardless of what you are and for the most part they liked Mercy. Soon all the vampires knew that there was going to be new werewolves in the vicinity but unless they are rogues and haven't talked to Thierry, they could do damage to them. Erik however grew to worry about Bella because he hadn't heard from her, but she was tough and could slap people across a room.

Remmy followed after Mercy, but at a distance, she was spending time with her wolf, getting used to everything.

"When can we shift again? I want to be free. Feel alive."

"Soon." Mercy could tell Mina didn't like that response. Mina growled in disapproval.

"We should ask Smokey to join us." Mercy just ignored her while she went on a rampage. However, because Mercy wasn't focusing on what was around her, she didn't notice some people behind a corner of the castle. At the speed of light, they took her and knocked her unconscious. They then bound her in Silver chain and wolfsbane, moving quickly as not to alert anyone of their presence.

Remmy had growled loudly when he heard noises, "VLAD." Remmy yelled loudly, he quickly shifted and attacked the people that had knocked out Mercy.

Vlad stuck his head out the window at his name. He saw Remmy chasing some men with what looked like his daughter. When the wind hit, and it was Mercy, Shit just got real. He jumped out of the window and ran along the border of the roof. He jumped down each of the levels until he was running alongside Remmy. "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!"

Remmy growled as he couldn't talk, he jumped on one of the guys ripping his head off.

The men weren't just vampires. They had all of the supernatural species in the group. Some of the witches created a fake image of Mercy so those with the real Mercy could have a head start. Those who got away looked back and saw some of the men get jumped by another Hybrid, which they weren't happy about letting go. However, the other, a Vampire Prince, he got next to the hybrid and also killed some of them. One last glance which revealed the fake Mercy being torn to shreds once the hybrid saw it wasn't who he expected.

Remmy growled loudly when he found out it wasn't real, Remmy couldn't even feel Mercy through the mate link, he howled loudly, calling his hybrids.

"What happened Remmy. Why did they take her?" Vlad was trying his best not to anger Remmy anymore. He quickly added, "I don't blame you. Just let's find her soon."

Remmy shifted back, his clothes appearing back on him, "They were hiding, knocked her out before she could do anything."

"Okay. They couldn't have gotten far. Maybe Thierry's wolves found her. Those people that took her have to get though him." Vlad stood far enough away from Remmy that he couldn't do a lot of damage to him.

"I can't feel her though the bond Vlad." Just has Remmy said that a scream broke through the air.

Vlad turned quickly towards the scream, but when he did that Remmy was taking off in the direction. Hearing Remmy say he couldn't feel his daughter though the bond, his panic started to show.

Remmy quickly started running toward the sound, using his vampire speed he was there quickly, a sick grin came on his face, his protection spell had worked, if any harm came to any one member of his or Thierry's pack and Vlad's family was harmed, people harming them would die within seconds, supernatural or not. He found Mercy and picked her up, holding her close to him, he could feel her heart beating, but slowly.

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