Chapter 16

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"Remmy, I think now is a good time. Vlad can wait. If anything happens to Azee, she will at least know her niece is taken care of." Erik was practically shoving him in there. "Mercy won't let anything happen to you, and Azee will hold Thierry back, hopefully."

Azee comforted Mercy, "I'll try my very best to fight this. And if I go, know that I haven't left you. I'll be in your heart. If my child survives, I want you to take care of your little cousin as if it were your sibling. Promise me that." She said. A different doctor came in with a face cloth to wipe the sweat out of Azee's eyes. He quickly left, not wanting Thierry to attack him. Azee took an even breath, before turning to speak to Thierry. "Thierry, I have a suggestion, but I would guess it be as equally risky. How does being turned into a werewolf work?"

"You know I will take care of my baby cousin. I will treat them with respect and teach them how to have fun. That I can promise you."

Thierry thought for a moment, and spoke to Azee, and Mercy through mind link, "There is a way to turn you." He said. He had only heard of it done a few times, but he knew what to do as he saw it happen.

"There's a way to save her?" Mercy perked up. "Do you think it'll work?" Mercy's imagination was going a thousand miles a minute. "How Uncle T? Can I help?!"

"Get me some clothes so I can shift back." He said to Mercy.

Mercy went to the counter that had some clothes that Vlad brought in a while ago. She handed them to Thierry and walked to the door and left, shutting it so he could change.

Thierry shifted back and put on the clothes, he gave Azee and quick kiss and sat down in a chair, holding Azee's hand. "Okay, you can come back in." He said.

Mercy walked slowly back in. "Now, before we do anything else. I don't want Azee not knowing this. Remmy is." She stuck her head out the door and motioned Remmy in to help her explain.

Remmy came in and stood next to Mercy, he glanced nervously at Thierry, "I'm her mate." He said grabbing her hand.

Thierry looked at Remmy and Mercy "Take good care of her. You hurt her, I hurt you." He said.

"You know, I thought you would try to kill him. I mean I still haven't told dad." Mercy said sheepishly. "Besides I think that's an empty threat. He won't hurt me." She tried to kiss him on the cheek but ended up on his chin.

Vlad came by the room where everyone was gathered. "What did I miss? Is everything okay?"

Thierry said without thinking "Remmy and Mercy are mates. My own mate and child might die. And the only way to save her is to turn her into a werewolf." He said quickly.

Vlad was silent. All he heard was that his baby was mated. Quicker than a flash, he grabbed Remmy by the neck. His eyes black. "I don't think so buddy."

Thierry growled loudly. "Vlad, so help me god, if you fight in this room I will kill you. So, either calm the fuck down or help me." He said, his eyes had shifted, he was still a raging alpha. Remmy's eyes had shifted to their gold color when Vlad slammed him against the wall, he knew this would happen, so he didn't fight back.

Even though Azee was tired, she was more fed up with all of the alpha male attitudes going about her. Sitting up right, she snapped at her Prince and Mate. "You two knock it off! Vlad Remmy hasn't claimed her yet, but he is Mercy's mate. I know you want to protect your little girl, but she's a bit of a big girl now. I'm actually glad that someone will be looking after Mercy. As for you Mr. calm down before you make me slap you silly."

"Vlad, she is with the only other one like her. I think they deserve each other." "Erik you better not be suggesting they stay together." "YES! They are perfect. And Azee has a point. So, as your better half." Erik pulled him off and slapped him for Azee.

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