Chapter 25

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A week later

Vlad spent a day with Erik. Erik told his mate how to be a better person without him there. Spreading joy and leadership to everyone in the Kingdom. Erik also told Vlad to smile more, spend time with those he has left. Mercy spent more time with her father and Remmy together. Mercy grew to understand her father's past and how she lost her grandmother, Vlad's Mother. Vlad felt in Remmy's debt for what he did, even if it only lasted a day. Mercy was disappointed not to say good bye face to face, but Vlad told her Erik was watching over everyone and Bella was with him.

Three sat up in a tree, in the past week he had watched the group of people burry two people...'Strange' he thought to himself. Three had spotted his victim a few times, but he was always with a girl, there guessed it was his mate at least, 'good, makes what I'm doing all that better.' He thought, an evil grin appearing on his face.

"Remmy, can we go for a run. I need to feel the earth under my paws."

Remmy looked up from his spell book, "Yah, let's go." He said closing the book and standing up.

Mercy ran over to Remmy and grabbed his hand, pulling him out the door.

Azee was with Roman, he was getting big, and starting to try and stand on his legs. She smiled, "Come to mommy, love." she encouraged. giggles and starts to walk towards his mother on wobbly, baby legs "Thierry, come quickly. Roman's trying to walk." she called to her mate.

Remmy shook his head at Mercy but followed her out the house.

Thierry came running into the room to see Roman fall on his butt. "He wasn't walking." He said with a smile.

"Where can we run? To the river? Or in the meadows?"

"Let's go to the meadows." Remmy said.

Three saw his target and the girl come out of the house.

Azee rolled her eyes, "You came in when he fell, so of course you didn't seem him walk." she said, picking him up.

Mercy ran out of the house, forgetting she had clothes on, and shifted into her wolf. Where are we going today? Mina asked coldly. Mercy and Mina hadn't talked in a long time.

Three stood up in the tree he was in, pulling out his knife which was sliver and laced with wolfsbane. Remmy shook his head again and shifted with Mercy, nudging her with his head, he took off towards the meadows.

Mercy just sprinted around in the meadows, her fur glistening. She stopped all of a sudden and let out a great howl. "This is what I needed. This is amazing!"

Three watches as the two wolves played around in the meadows, the one he wanted was right beneath him. Easy kill. Three stood up on the branch, blade in hand. He jumped from the branch, landing on the wolfs back, he moved quickly digging the blade down into the wolfs neck, hitting the spine and breaking through. Even though it was a quick death it still gave him happiness, finally killing the one who killed his family. Remmy heard the sound too late, he felt a force hit him in the back "Mercy, ru.. The link was cut short, Remmy died from the blade cutting threw his spine.

Smokey! Mina looked up at the strange man. Free froze her in place. All she could do was whimper. THIERRY! HELP ME! ANYONE! Still couldn't move and when the man looked at her, Mercy felt hatred and happiness role off the man.

Azee was putting Roman away, when she felt a connection. Her inner wolf howled in despair and anger, the Pack had lost a member. She rose and ran through the castle, she shouted, "Vlad, something is wrong." Love, what's happening?! she mind-linked to her mate.

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