Chapter 7- Mean Parents & Milkshakes

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Jamie's Pov

The air was cold and harsh,it cut against my skin the way my mother cuts potatoes.
The way home was a straight road,because Mia's house was quite close to mine and so in the spur of a moment I decided it would be best to sprint thus I would be less cold and get into less trouble.
Who am I kidding,there's no such thing as less trouble when you have parents like mine.
Reaching the porch I saw that the lights were still on.
It was ten and mom said we should be home by eleven so I hoped I wouldn't get a hard time.
I creeked open the front door and peeped in.
My father was seated on the couch.
I figured that mom would have been asleep with Jonah and Jared must have been in the shower by now.
I entered the house and my father turned his head directly toward me.
"Quite late isn't it?"
"I let mom know that we were doing dinner with Adam Martin tonight",I, shrugged removing my jacket.
"Your brother already returned,where were you?"
"I just needed to help Adam out",I replied waiting for him to lash out at me but instead he turned and focused his eyes on the television.
I sighed when I got up the stairs.My phone vibrated and so I turned my attention to the screen.
Adam was calling.
I entered my room and answered.
"You home?",Adam questioned.
"Thanks for tonight man,Penelope loves you and Jared.Apparently you're her new best friend",Adam laughed.
"She's pretty cool,no lie and I should be thanking you because I got to spend some time with Mia."
"You really like her."
"There's just something about her Adam",I smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"She's a great girl,but Penelope told me she's still recovering from Trent",Adam replied.
"What did this Trent guy do to her?",I asked becoming annoyed.
"Penelope didn't say,maybe you should ask Mia when the time is right."
"Yeah,Oh and one more thing Adam."
"What's up doc?"
"I need to get a try out for the soccer team",I bit my lip.
"I'm pretty sure the team is filled up",Adam sounded uncertain.
"I really need one man,other wise my father is going to have my head",I moaned.
"Okay,okay I'll see what I can do. I'm pretty sure Eric can help out."
"I don't like that Eric kid."
"Because he's got a thing for Mia?",Adam chuckled.
"Goodnight Adam."
"See you at school, Walker."


Monday came sooner than I expected and I found myself walking through the hallways of the school building in search of Kaylin.I noticed him talking to a group of freshman girls.
"Sorry to interrupt",I apologised to the girls and eyed Kaylin.
"Ahh there he is,ladies I would like to introduce you to my man Jamie Walker",Kaylin smirked.
The girls smiled at me and believe it or not but all of them twirled a piece of their hair around their fingers.
I wanted to laugh.
"Kaylin, I did the first half of our calculus assignment,you need to do the statistics",I said ignoring the gawking taking place.
"I'll get on that",Kaylin brushed me off and interlocked his arm with one of the girls.
I realised there was definitely no winning with him and so I turned to be on my way when someone grabbed my hand.
It was Aria.
"Hey cutie,long time no see",she smiled.
"Uh-What's new A?",I smiled back.
"I miss you."
I coughed, she was beautiful,not as beautiful as Mia though,thoughts of Mia crept into my mind.
"I really should run Aria,see you around."
Actually I hope I don't.
I left Aria and looked around for someone.
Most of the students had classes but I was hoping Mia would be around somewhere.
I exited the West wing and scanned the courtyard,that's when I saw her.Her long ravern coloured hair reached all the way down to the small of her back and her eyes glistened in the sunlight,she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on.
I approached her but I stopped as soon as I realised that she was currently in a lesson with Mrs Daynes.
Mrs Daynes loved the outdoors and so most of the time she would take her English lessons to the courtyard.
I tried to signal Mia in hopes of getting her attention.
She looked at me quite confused.
"Come on",I mouthed to her as I motioned my hand.
She raised an eyebrow then raised her hand.
Mrs Daynes shifted her attention to Mia.
Mia said something to her and Mrs Daynes nodded approvingly.
Mia stood up and headed toward the school building.
I walked over to her.
"Hi",she greeted with a small smile.
Her smile was warm and made me want to smile.
"I owe you a milkshake for getting you a chicken pizza last night."
"What?Like right now?",she asked confused.
"Why not?",I,shrugged.
"Maybe because I'm supposed to be actively engaging in Mrs Daynes' lesson",she laughed.
"It's English Mia,come on.I know you're smart let's go get a triple chocolate milkshake",I smiled.
"Where do you want to go?",she asked biting her lip.
"That restaurant we went to last night isn't that far away",I suggested.
"Alright but I have to be back for the fourth period Jamie",she stressed.
"No problem because I have a class for the fifth",I assured her as we made our way to the front gates of the school.

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