Chapter 20 - Surprise Visits & Satanic Siblings

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Jamie's POV

I connected to the car's Bluetooth and clicked shuffle on my playlist. Music blasted as I sped down the street. I knew I wasn't going to get another chance like this and I had to make the most of it.I couldn't help thinking that Mia was the only thing that was missing.
I could imagine her in the passenger seat laughing at my stupid jokes while the wind blew through her long,almond hair.I was so lost in thought that I almost forgot where I was going but a loud notification from my phone startled me. I pressed the power button on my phone and the screen lit up, it was my mother and she was asking if I found the Andrews house.
I took a left down Lily Avenue and turned into Rose Lane, it was a small road and I found myself driving right to a dead end. Number thirteen was a beautiful mansion that looked like it cost a lot yet somehow remained warm and homely. I parked the car on the side of the road and got out,I slipped my phone and car keys into my jacket pocket and walked up to the doorway of the house.
The Andrews lawn was very neat and tidy, shrubs decorated the area as well as little cute flowers that were foreign to my eye.I rang the doorbell and heard someone scream from inside.Seconds later the door opened and a confused Penelope stood in front of me with a messy bun and sweat pants.
"Jamie! ", she exclaimed and her face lit up with a smile.
" What are you doing here? ", I asked still processing.
"I should be asking you that since you came to my house, but I'm not that rude am I ?", she rolled her eyes.
" Andrews! Of course, I knew that name sounded familiar", I realised and I couldn't help but laugh at myself for being so slow in life.
"I can't believe I didn't figure out that Jonah's your brother", Penelope said shaking her head.
"Well it's simple, he's a horrible little kid with a heart of stone and I'm amazing and handsome too", I shrugged.
" Oh ,Jamie", Penelope laughed. "Come inside please", she motioned.
I hesitated but I walked through the inviting doorway.
"This place is so fancy", I blurted as soon as I looked around.
"I hate it, it's a product of my parents, grandparents and older sister all wanting to do the architectural work. "
"Do y'all all live here? ", I asked after chuckling at her statement.
" We're quite a big family, and not forgetting my younger brother Peter", Penelope answered.
"Pippy, could you come help me clean up the living room your brother and his friend made a mess", an older lady's voice echoed and a small elderly woman with black and grey hair appeared.
" Oh hello", she said seeing me.
"Hi ma'am... ", I started but she cut me off.
" Are you Penelope's boyfriend?", she asked coming forward.
"Nana!", Penelope yelled.

" I'm Jonah's older brother, I'm here to fetch him. I'm sorry if he gave you any trouble", I smiled at her.
"Don't worry, children are children, he's actually a good boy, I'm Peter and Penelope's grandmother. You can call me Nana Piper",she smiled.
" I'm Jamie. "
"Lovely meeting you Jamie, the boys are asleep though. "
"I really have to take Jonah", I said looking at Penelope.
" I'll take you upstairs and help you gather his stuff too. "
Nana Piper nodded and disappeared once again while I followed Penelope upstairs.
"So where's everyone? ", I asked Penelope as I admired the upstairs area.
" My parents are at work, my dad will fetch my mom since they finish around the same time, my sister's also at work she gets a ride from her boyfriend and my grand dad is asleep", Penelope explained as she opened the door to a room. It was painted green and had Avengers posters all over the wall.
Jonah and Peter were sound asleep and it was quiet, the room was a mess.
"They fell asleep about a half hour ago", Penelope said as she walked in and got Jonah's bag.
I entered the room and looked at Jonah, his eyes were closed and his breathing was gentle. I just wanted to take a pillow and place it over his face.
" Looks like an angel when he's asleep doesn't he? ", Penelope whispered from behind me.
" It's a shame he has to wake up. "
"Jamie!", Penelope exclaimed in a loud whisper.
" I will be so satisfied after I wake him up", I smiled.
"No, I'll wake him up. Take this", I turned to her and she handed me his bag, I took it and rolled my eyes.
" Baby, wake up. Jamie is here to take you home", she touched him slowly and softly.
Jonah's devil eyes shot open, and he moaned.I moved to the bed and scooped him up into my arms.
I nodded at Penelope and began making my way out. When I reached the front door of the house, I checked if I had all Jonah's things.
"All his stuff is there", Penelope assured me.
" Thanks", I exited the house and walked down the pathway to the car.
"Jamie? "
"Yes? ", I looked back at Penelope who was right behind me.
"You never told me what happened with you and Mia at lunch today and she didn't want to talk about it", Penelope bit her lip.
I opened the car door and slipped Jonah in the backseat.
" I asked her to be my girlfriend, like officially. "
"And you didn't tell me!", Penelope screamed as if I told her I was getting married to Nick Jonas.
"She basically said no", I said looking around.
" What? You're joking. "
"Well she didn't exactly say yes. "
"I'll talk to her", Penelope said in a determined tone.
"I can't explain my feelings for her Penelope, she just needs to see that we're endgame. "
You and Mia are endgame. "

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