57- Cold Days & Corny Lines

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Jamie's POV

I stood on her porch. A million thoughts going through my head. The kiss we shared earlier played over and over in my head. I just wanted to touch her, to know that she was mine again. I rang the doorbell with my heart pounding in my chest. I turned my back to the door and moved forward,looking across the street.Mentally telling myself I had to get a grip, I sighed. It was only her that could do this to me, she did not realise the control she had over me.

"Hey stranger."

Her voice was soft and light, like a warm embrace. I turned around to face her. Taking in her beauty was like trying to find out how long a piece of string was.

"Hey",I smiled at her.

"It's freezing out here, why don't you come inside?",she said and I noticed how her arms were folded against her chest. She was feeling cold.

"Sure",I said as I followed her in and closed the door behind me.

"My mom's not back from work yet so we can talk without anyone eavesdropping",she chuckled nervously.

"Oh yes how is she?",I asked as she sat down on the couch in the living room. I sat down beside her, my eyes fixed on her face.

It made me realise that in that moment I didn't want to be anywhere else. No where in the world except right by her side. It was where I belonged. Staring into those big, brown pools of cinnamon swirls that were Mia's eyes. Feeling the rush of her magnetic pull drawing me toward her aura.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything",I managed to say, it was all that came out of my mouth.

I wanted to punch myself. Mia deserved so much more. A huge romantic gesture like in sappy chick lit movies. Something to show her how sorry I really was for being the biggest douche bag that ever existed.

"I am too, it was unfair to you",Mia said shaking her head.

"No , Mia. I was unfair.I didn't think about you, I thought of myself and I hate that I was selfish. That's the thing, I am selfish with you. I want you for myself."

"It's okay, because I am yours",she said as she touched my face. It was like an electric current flowed through her.

Feeling her touch made me want to grab her hand so we could runaway. We could run to tomorrow, a tomorrow where we could be anything we wanted. We could be us and nothing more.

"I want to be better for you, I'm sorry Mia. About Trent,about leaving,about hurting you",I said looking down. If I were her I would have probably punched me by now.

She said nothing. Her hand still on my face. My eyes locked on her. Silence.

"I can't lose you",I said and as the words escaped my lips Mia moved closer to me, bringing her forehead to mine. I felt her breathing and it made me even more nervous than I already was.

"Even if you lose me, I'll always find my way back to you",she whispered as she placed her head on my neck and embraced me. Feeling her body in my hands, I held her tighter. Never wanting to let her go. Not again. Not ever.

"You have some really corny lines",I laughed.

"It is it still corny if it's true?",Mia said as she pulled away to look at me.

"I missed you so much, you have no idea",I smiled.

"If only you knew",she let out a laugh as she reached over to the table and grabbed the television remote.

"Knew what?",I asked.

She turned on the television, and concentrated on the screen. I watched her and I all I thought was that I couldn't let her go again. The girl that sat in front of me was my everything and I couldn't think of being anywhere but right next to her.
I moved up close to her and slipped my hand in hers. Her hand was warm and I felt like I was home again.

Empty.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora