Chapter 26-Gourmet Food & Gossiping

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Mia's Pov

After a long and frustrating argument with my mother I agreed to let uncle Marlon drive me to Penelope's house.I really didn't think I would be spending my night like that but thank God Penelope's house wasn't too far. I played music off my phone while I was in uncle Marlon's car so I didn't have to talk to him.I couldn't stand the guy, not after everything he put my mother through with her family, at first I thought he was different compared to them but in reality they're all the same. Sometimes if you analyse my mother, like really observe her behavior you can see some similarities to her siblings and her mother but at the same time she's different. She's not cold and selfish like them, that's why they don't like her. They're jealous. They always were because she was beautiful.I've seen the photos, she had every running after her and growing up with four sisters they began to envy her. She always says Uncle Marlon looked out for her but I know there was a limit to that and to me he's just a leech that sucks all the life out of my mother, well whatever life she has left.When it came to my mother, I was very sensitive. She was the important thing in my life and all I wanted to do was protect her and if anyone had an intention of hurting her, I would destroy their intentions and them if need be.

I almost scowled at him in the mirror as my thoughts took over my mind. I looked out the window as we reached the traffic light.

"Make a left Mija?", Uncle Marlon asked.
I didn't understand why he called me Mija, it was basically my name and he wasn't even Spanish so it was really stupid.
" Yes and your next left as well", I answered.
"Oh are you going to Dan's house?Martin? "
"Yes, he's daughter is one of my close friends."
"Dan and I grew up together, and I think he's related to us somehow", he laughed.
I'm not related to you. Arghhh.

"We're here",I almost exclaimed as he turned into the driveway.
" Will you be okay? ", uncle Marlon inquired as he put the car in park.
" I'll be fine, thanks for the ride. I'll be home before ten", I said as I got out the car and slammed the door shut.
I basically ran into Penelope's arms on the porch. I turned back and watched uncle Marlon drive off after waving at me
"Were you waiting for me? ", I asked raising an eyebrow.
" Yes I was, who was that who brought you? ", Penelope asked lifting her head.

"Mom's brother, so what's for din din?"
"I'm just going to ignore the fact that you said din din, let's go inside they're so excited to see you!", Penelope exclaimed and pulled me inside her house that reminded me of everything I never had.

I entered the house with a stumble, although I had been there often I still gasped every time I took a look at it. Penelope's entire family took part in the creation process of the house and I remembered telling Penelope they should grow peonies in their front yard because it will be beautiful. I was right obviously, because Penelope says the neighbors always compliment the peonies.

"Mia, love! ", a loud yet soft voice echoed.
I turned to see the elderly woman in front of me, he hair which was a blend of black and grey covered the side of her face.
" Nana Piper", I hugged her tightly and in doing so I saw Penelope's sister Bianca as well as her parents enter the living room.
"Mia, you're here", Bianca stealing me from Nana Piper and hugging me.
Her sequence dress stabbed at my body but I hurt in silence and gave her a smile.
" Mr and Mrs Martin", I greeted them with a smile.
"Mia, it's about time. You don't come around anymore", Mrs Martin shook her head as if she was disappointed.
"I'm sorry, things get too hectic sometimes. My mother's back at work too so it's just school and home for me", I shrugged.
" Oh she is? That's good to hear", Mrs Martin said almost shocked and very unconvincingly.
I understood why, she probably didn't think my mother should have went back to work yet, well her opinion wasn't asked for so I turned to Penelope and gave her the most fake smile I could conjure.
"We should go say hi to gramps and Peter because dinner will be ready soon right Nana?", Penelope replied looking at Nana Piper who just nodded.

I followed Penelope up the stairs to Peter's chartreuse coloured room which made me feel like I went crazy on the walls with my green highlighter.
Her grandfather and her brother were playing Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation.
" Hey Peter, Hey Gramps", I greeted
" Hey Mia! I didn't know you were coming, grab that controller from gramps, he's a lame partner ", Peter laughed as he looked at me for a second before turning his attention back to the television.

"No way, you got the new one! ", I couldn't help but scream.
" That's how we roll!", Peter shouted.
"Shut up", Penelope rolled her eyes.
"Mia, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you. How are you? ", Gramps asked smiling at me.
" I'm good Gramps thanks for asking, how are you? "
"I'm a seventy four year old man playing PlayStation, I think you can answer that", he chuckled.
" You crack me up you know", I shook my head.
"I hope those grades are still high,everyone's counting on you", he said raising his eyebrows.
" I know, I know and I won't let you down", I assured him with a small with that he didn't see.
"Gramps, Mia didn't come here for you, she's here for me", Penelope cleared her throat. " Come let's go to my room Mia ", she added.
" I thought we're going to play", Peter whined still not looking away from his game.
"I'm here till ten, we're definitely going to play,little man."

Penelope gave me a face as we went down the hall to her room which was painted a light blue colour. I loved her room because not only did it look like the ocean but it also smelled a little bit like it. When we entered her room she ran to the window and peered out of it.

"Okay then", I said knowing well that Penelope was up to something crazy and stalker like as usual.
"There's this family that moved in across the street, well actually there's two families, one on the upstairs and the other downstairs. I don't know if they're related though",
" And this matters why?", I inquired quite confused as I slumped my body on her neatly made bed.
"There's this really cute boy, he always looks at me. I'm not sure if he likes me, not yet", Penelope smiled as if she had some diabolical plan.
"Slow down there tiger,I know I said to move on but you don't have to go so fast", I chuckled to hide the seriousness of my argument.
"I refuse to wallow in my feelings for Adam, he's the past. My future is Marcellous!",she exclaimed and jumped on the bed right next to me.
" Marcellous? Is he from the eighteen hundreds?", I laughed instead of questioning how she knows this information.
"Marcell for short, Mia", Penelope rolled her eyes as she put her head on my shoulder.
"Do you guys stalk each other through the window?", I asked curiously as I managed to pull a couple strands of her hair and intertwined it between my fingers.
"Yes, he lives upstairs so it's convenient
he's always with this other guy from downstairs though", Penelope explained.
" You need prayer", I sighed.
"Yes oh holy one, pray for me", Penelope mocked.
" Shut up, I'm in church every Sunday", I pointed out with pride.
"Penelope, Mia. Dinner is ready", Nana Piper's voice echoed through the hallway.
"Nana Piper's stir fry will satisfy me, for sure", I said pushing Penelope off me and basically jumping off the bed.
"You're choosing food over me? "
"Food over all, pippy."

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