71 - Seasonal Ideas & Seductive Secretaries

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"Hey Carla",I greeted her as Sarah and I walked in. She was looking thoughtfully at her computer screen. The lady with the bubbly smiled looked up at us. She had a very pleasant demeanor and when I spent time at Oregon Gardens she and I formed a bond.

"Mia, Sarah! What a pleasant surprise", Carla stood up from her chair and came around her desk to hug the both of us.

"I can't breathe Carls",Sarah laughed as Carla squeezed us tightly in her embrace.

"Sorry girls, it's just been awhile since you two came around",she smiled as she released her grip on us.

"I came to see Nana last week",Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Well Mia hasn't come since the end of Spring break and we're so close to Summer break already",Carla pointed out.

"How is Mrs Carson?",I asked changing the subject because I did not want to list all the reasons my life was falling apart as an excuse.

"Actually she is doing pretty well. Her grandson came to see her this morning. He's such a sweet boy, easy on the eyes too. He volunteered to help with the seasonal soirée ",Carla wiggled her eyebrows at us.

I laughed as Sarah turned to me and did the same thing Carla just tried to do with her brows.

"Come on girls, get your flirt on",Carla told us as she sat down at her desk and took a stack of papers out from one of the draws.

I tried to imagine Carla flirting with someone. It was quite amusing in my head even though I knew she couldn't have been that old. Maybe around her thirties. I questioned if she was married since she never spoke about a significant other, yet she always tried to get Sarah and I to tell her about boys we liked.

"Oh Carls, you amuse us",Sarah shook her head.

"What is a seasonal...uh?",I questioned just realising Carla had mentioned something I didn't quite understand.

"Seasonal Soirée! It's going to be your first! This is so exciting!",Sarah exclaimed going on a rant.

"Can someone please explain what that is exactly?"

"We do fundraisers a couple of times in a year but the biggest fundraiser is the Seasonal Soirée. It's a dance or party whatever you really want to call it and a lot of high status people attend and give donations",Carla explained.

"And each year they do a different season. Last year was the Spring Fling Seasonal Soirée",Sarah said excitedly.

"That sounds super cool",I smiled.

"It's the perfect event to get all dressed up for",Sarah nodded.

"She's right and you can even bring a plus one",Carla smirked.

"So what's the theme for this year?",I questioned.

"Our season is Summer of course but the theme is not certain yet",Carla answered as she stood up from her chair and went to the cabinet behind her. "I've been entrusted to pick the theme but so far I have nothing",she added.

"How about, Sun's Out Buns Out",Sarah laughed.

"Sure Sarah and all the oldies can wear two piece swimsuits",I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"That confirms what I'm about to say. Mia please help me the theme and Sarah shouldn't be anywhere near you when you do",Carla said in a serious tone and then laughed.

"Me?",I asked dumbfounded.

"I really need to pick a theme, the soirée is this week",Carla said as she began writing on a document that was on her desk.

"Are you sure you want us to help you?",I asked uncertain.

"There's so much to do",Carla brought her hand to her head. "I need a theme that says Summer, Mr Stanley does not like a lack of creativity",Carla explained.

"What says Summer?",Sarah questioned in thought.

"You girls can some time to think about it but we can't delay now",Carla stated.

"How about...", I started and then realised I was thinking out loud.

"How about what?", Carla and Sarah asked simultaneously.


"No tell us",Sarah said sternly.

"Uh- how about a theme centered around the warm colours of a sunset",I suggested not really knowing what I was saying.

"That's brilliant!Tell me more Mia!",Carla exclaimed standing up dramatically.

"I was thinking maybe we can call it the Summer Sunset Soirée. What do you guys think? I have like a clear image in my head so if you want to go with it I'd love to help",I shrugged.

"Definitely! You are in charge! We only have a few days to get this done!",Carla said as she handed me a folder that was on her desk.

"This is perfect!",Sarah exclaimed.

"Why so little time to get it done?",I questioned.

"Mr Stanley is going out of town for a while so we want to get this fundraiser over and done with",Carla sighed. "I am taken back by your idea Mia, absolutely amazing!",Carla smiled.

"Are you sure you like it? Sarah and I could think of something else",I said uncertain.

"Nonsense! You and Sarah are totally going to pull this off. I will get on the invitations immediately",Carla said excitedly.

"Well this is definitely going to be interesting",I said with a sigh.

"I believe in us,Mia", Sarah said as she placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled.

At least someone believed in me even if I didn't believe in myself.

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