Chapter 10- Thirsts & Territories

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Mia's POV.

"This is me",I said stopping as soon as I realised we were right in front of my house.

"Really?You're closer than I thought",Jared Walker smiled his award winning smile toward me.
"Thanks for walking with me."
"No problem."
" do you want like a soda or something?I could get you one because you still have a block more to walk",I offered.
"Don't worry I'm good thanks",he replied with a nod.
"Your sure?",I asked beginning to walk up to the porch.
"Dr Pepper? "

I answered him with a smile and he followed me to the front door.
"You can't not be thirsty",I rolled my eyes as we entered the house.

As usual mom was curled up on the couch.
"That's the woman who gave birth to me",I pointed as we neared her.
"Hello Mrs Archer",Jared greeted her.
"No...I'm Jared."
"He's Jamie's brother",I clarified going to the kitchen unaware if Jared was still behind me.
"Sorry son,but you look a lot like your brother",I heard mom say with a small chuckle.
I grabbed a Dr Pepper out of the fridge and headed into the living room to see Jared and my mother now laughing.
Jared and his cute laugh.
"Here you go",I said handing him the soda.
"Thanks Mia my mom doesn't like us having soda...oh it was nice meeting you Mrs Archer",Jared smiled and turned to leave.
"You too,you and your brother should come over sometime for dinner",Mom smiled.
"You don't have to",I whispered as I walked him to the door.
He laughed.
"Go home safely now",I pointed a finger at him.
"Yes ma'am."

Jamie's Pov.

I entered the house hoping not to see my father and thankfully he wasn't home.I headed to the kitchen feeling dehydrated.
Jared was downing a can of Dr Pepper.
"What's up doc?",he inquired.
I lifted my head to look at the clock.
Four thirty three.
I shook my head.
"There were so many of them and one spot",I sighed.
"And I got the spot",I shrugged.
"What?That's great man!",Jared exclaimed hugging me.
"Thanks and I met this cool girl too",I began to explain.
"But I thought you liked Mia?",Jared interjected.
"Yeah, no she isn't for me",I shook my head.
"Ohh-No I'm good being single",he shrugged.
"No man!The girl isn't for anyone-She's just a great player-and besides I think she's lesbian."
"Lesbian...interesting",Jared smirked
"But it's good that they allow girls on the team hey",he added.
"Yes,I guess because the boys are weak too,oh and I met that prick Trent",I cleared my throat.
"Mia's ex?"
"I hate him,I wonder what Mia saw in him."
"Why?You worried she won't see it in you?",Jared asked casually.
"Where did you get Dr Pepper from?",I asked changing the topic of discussion.
"Yes,we walked home together-I was thirsty and she was kind to me."

He said thirsty and it annoyed me.

"Stay away from her."
"Calm down I would never steal your girl."
"I don't trust you."
"And we're brothers."
"Title means nothing."
I looked at him and we both began to laugh but he knew as much as I was joking I was even more serious.
Mia is mine.

The sound of ringing filled my ears and so I slipped my phone out of my pocket and answered it knowing exactly who it was with out really paying attention to the caller ID.

"Nicki just told me the good news!",Adam shouted so loud that I wanted to punch him in the face for hurting my ears.
"She told you?I was supposed to tell you",I groaned and looked at Jared who was listening to our conversation.
He rolled his eyes and exited the kitchen.
"Well you were taking too long so I called her to ask her what's up",Adam replied.
"Thanks for making this possible bro,I mean if it weren't for you...",I started but there was a noise coming from the other side of the line.
A voice-A girl's voice.
Sounded like she was asking Adam what pizza he wanted and his mom definitely didn't have such a sugary voice.
The voice sounded famliar too,maybe it was Penelope.
"Hey man I really need to go,my mom's calling."
And with that Adam Martin cut our call.
I thought.
I laid my phone down on the kitchen counter and let it charge for a bit.
I needed a good shower.

"Where's the little devil?",I turned my head to Jared who was sitting on the couch while I was halfway up the stairs.
"Oh I forgot to tell you,dad's out of town so Jonah's at aunty Cindy's which leaves us alone for the rest of the week!",Jared shouted louder than he needed to.
I smiled to myself.
Peace without Jonah.
Now I just wished Jared would go disappear some where too.
I like quiet.
I liked being alone.
And the only thing I liked more than being alone was being with Mia.
Her name comforted me,it made me feel this feeling I've never felt before.
I think it was love.
I think think I was in love with Mia.
Oh My God.
I'm in love with Mia.

I love you, Mia.

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