75 - High Fashion & Horrible Friends

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The entire events hall was lit up with starlights. Burnt orange drapes dressed the walls accompanied by a backdrop that impersonated the summer sunset. The punch fountain complemented the finger foods that Mrs Grant had prepared earlier in the day. The black carpet was laid out and people were already arriving. Sarah and I greeted people that came in by promising them a night of fun, laughter and food as well as dancing.

"More people are coming in",I turned to Sarah and whispered loudly.

She wore an orange dress that stopped at her ankles. It was strappy and backless. I admired the way the dress showed off the structure of her body. Her white stiletto heels paired well with her silver dangly chain and hoop earrings while her black hair fell all the way down to the small of her back.

"This is so exciting",Sarah smiled and put her pearly whites on display.

"You look beautiful",I said to her for the thousandth time.

"Me? Mia Freaking Archer, you look gorgeous",Sarah said as she touched my hair, securing one of the hair pins that held my hairdo together.

"I only look like this cause you made me",I assured her.

"Never! You're always gorgeous. Never forget that",Sarah pointed a finger in my face.

Before I could respond to her, Carla's voice graced the atmosphere. Sarah and I turned to face the woman. She wore the most elegant yellow dress. It was more like a ball gown to be honest. Her hair flowed to her shoulders, as her curls fell over her face hiding her fresh face of make-up.

"Carls, you look amazing!",Sarah exclaimed.

"Oh girls, you two look lovely! Mia!",Carla started.

"Ladies, is everything going fine?",Mr Stanley's voice was rushed as he joined the conversation.

The man wore a pink and yellow checkered suit with brown dress shoes. The colors worked extremely well together. Standing next to Carla, you could see just how perfect Carla and Stanley looked together.

"Everything is going perfect Mr Stanley, shall we?",Sarah said to us and Carla nodded.

I turned to enter the hall as I wondered where Jamie was. I pulled out my phone from my bra and sent Jamie a quick text as well as my mother. She was working but she should have arrived already. I shook my head and sighed as I entered the hall.


I swung my body around to meet Jamie's eyes. He stood tall over me. His hair was waxed to perfection. He wore a red shirt with a black coat accompanied by black formal pants and black shiny dress shoes. I was astonished. He looked captivating.

"You're here",I smiled.

"What? Did you think I wasn't coming?",he laughed.

"You look handsome",I shook my head still a little bit in shock.

"Sorry I'm late. You, you look - heavenly."

"Oh stop",I laughed.

"He can't, he saw you from over there and his jaw dropped to the ground. I basically had to carry his jaw all the way here",Nicki's appeared giggling.

"Nicki, you look hot",I nodded impressed as I looked at her blue suit.

"Thank you ma'am, you look ravishing yourself",she hugged me. "I'm going to hit the punch bowl and hopefully a few blondes too",she smiled as she headed inside.

"Can we go outside?",Jamie asked in an anxious tone.

"Sure, you know when you asked what colour I was wearing I didn't think too much of it, but this - I was definitely not expecting this",I scanned Jamie's body once more.

"Come on, walk with me",Jamie pulled me by the hand as we passed people that were coming into the events hall.

"Mia!",Penelope's caught me from the crowd.

"Hey, wow",I said analysing her outfit. Her black dress was a little too short and not exactly fitting with the theme of the soirée but she looked extravagant nonetheless. She was really a sight to see.

"Thank you, you look - well I like your shoes. Why are you here anyway?",Penelope asked perplexed.

The fact that she couldn't even bring herself to say something nice about the way I looked annoyed me.

"I volunteer here",I shrugged.

"Oh, my dad donates a lot so we were invited",Penelope said smugly.

"Well have fun and don't eat too much of those finger sandwiches.Like you always say, a minute on the lips, a life time on the hips",I chuckled as I moved away from her.

I didn't turn back to see her reaction but I imagined that it was good. In that moment I decided that I was done with Penelope and that if Yoko didn't like that then I was done with her too. I didn't have time for fake people.

"What took you so long?",Jamie asked when I met him at the end of the crowd.

"Let's go to the garden",I lead him to the outside area.

"Will we be alone?",Jamie questioned.

"Is something wrong?"

"I need to tell you something."

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