Chapter 11-Caffeine & Chaos

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Mia's POV

I got to school a little earlier than usual and I realised none of my friends were around until I spotted Adam who was talking to that annoying girl that Jamie always talks to.
She seemed very touchy with him and I knew I should interrupt because that girl is annoying.
I headed over to them and stood right in between them.
"What's up?",I said looking directly at Adam.
"Mia!You're here early",he said flustered.
"Am I?Didn't notice."
"Well it's good because I was engaging in very boring conversation with Aria over here",he replied gesturing toward the girl.
"Ahh",I kinda coughed looking at her.
"Are you saying I'm boring Adam?",she rolled her eyes.
"Yes,hey do you guy want to go get some coffee,the school cafe is open",Adam suggested.
I looked down,I don't usually decide stuff like this. Penelope or Yoko usually make these type of decisions.
"Um...actually I should go,my boyfriend will be waiting",she smiled and waved us off.
"Finally. I hate that girl.",I sighed.
Adam cleared his throat.
"Coffee?",he asks uncomfortably.
"Ew. Iced Mocca?"
"Whatever you want",Adam rolls his eyes.
"So how come you're early?",I inquire.
"My dad needed to be at the office earlier than usual so he dropped me off one time",he explained as we entered the school cafe.
"Aahh I see",I murmured.
"And I know why you're here early",he shrugged.
"Once iced moccachino and one decaf with no cream please",Adam smiled at the lady as he put his hand in his left pocket.
"Hold up,I got it",I said handing her a ten dollar bill.
"Are you crazy,it's okay",he protested.
"No it's done,now as you were saying",I replied as the lady took the money from me and smiled.
"You brought this upon yourself,he wanted to tell you himself but you're yeah your man made the team."
"Yes Jamie."
A rush of excitememt took over my body when I saw Jamie and Jared walk into the cafe.
I felt the urge to run up to him and hug him and I only realised that I didn't fight that urge when I found my hands wrapped around him.
He was in shock but he began to hug me back after a few seconds.
I could feel his skinny body against mine and I'm pretty sure he could hear my hitched breathing.
I pulled away way too soon because I missed the feeling of his body against mine instantaneously.
"And that was for?",he laughed.
"Making the team",I smiled.
"In that case I'm going to see if I can make every other team in this school."
His words made me want to smile more than it should but I didn't.
I avert back to my normal mask,my walls go up and then I'm standing in front of the Walker brothers not knowing what to do.
"There's the newest edition to the soccer team",thank God for Adam Martin.
He walks up to us smiling.
"It's not such a big deal",Jamie shrugs.
He's lying. To him it is.
And I feel like he also had a lot riding on it.

"Here you go Mia",Adam handed me my beverage and I took it with a quiet thank you.
"Iced Mocca?",I offer anyone.
"I feel like you're always offering me liquids",Jared chuckles.
"At least they're legal liquids."
Jared and Adam laugh at my response,but Jamie doesn't.
Jamie doesn't react.
It's almost as if Jamie isn't here.
Only he is here and he's staring at me,he's eyes burn into my skin and he's not the least bit subtle about it.
Jared and Adam don't notice it or maybe they do and just don't pay attention.
The two of the continue with conversation,I think Adam mentioned someone named Elena.
I finally focus my eyes on Jamie,he's still looking at me and it's annoying because being awkward is my thing.
I look straight into his eyes just to annoy him.
I make sure to pierce my eyes into his and I do it so hard that I began to get a headache.
"I like it when you're serious",he said with a smile.
"I'm always serious."
That doesn't make any sense.
He smiles.
I watch him smile and I wonder how it's possible for me to like his smile so much.
I was unsure of what I was feeling,I convinced myself I couldn't feel this way.
Not after Trent.
"What are you thinking about Mia?",he asked realising that Jared and Adam completely ditched us.
I didn't know if he was just making conversation or if he really wanted to know what was going on in my head.
I shake my head at him.
He lets out a forced laugh.
Am I not funny enough Jamie?
"Seriously Mia",he urged.
"It's nothing",I shrugged.
"No it's not",he persists.
"I said it's nothing",I'm walking away from him.I'm leaving.I'm in the hallway within three seconds.
It's empty because it's still early.I wait a moment to see if Jamie was going to come after me but he doesn't.
I sink down against a random locker with my hands over my face,I want to cry but nothing comes out,no tears,no moans.nothing.
I don't remove my hands from my face and I don't look up because my name is not Love.
The female voice is comforting but I am not comforted.
I feel the person slump down beside me.
"Are you okay?"
I am silent.
"Come here",gentle arms wrap around me and I completely break down.
I don't know why I'm crying on the shoulder of a person I probably don't even know.
I pull away to look at her face.
Sarah Davis
"I'm...sorry",I sighed with a laugh
"I'm sorry I'm such a mess."
"Don't apologise,we're all messes",she replied holding me tighter.
I shook my head.
"Don't beat yourself up,come on",Sarah let go of me and stood up.
She stretched out het arm to me.
After finally giving in I took it and got to my feet.
"Where are we going?"
"Some place we can talk."

Jamie's POV

I couldn't concentrate on what Mr Tate was saying because all I could think about was the fact that Mia ran off earlier.
I let Mia run off.
I should have went after her. I'm sure the reason she did was because she senses the way I feel about her and I think she feels it too but she just doesn't know how to deal with it.
I get the feeling this has something to do with Trent.
I sigh and peer forward but Mr Tate is not at the front of the class babbling anymore,I attempt to look around the classroom and I realise that everyone is chatting it up,except for Aria.
She is seated next to me.
"Hey hot stuff."
I smile at her and shift back a little,she's quite close to me.
"What's on your mind?",Aria asked.
"Way more than there should be",I breathed heavily.
"I'm here to talk you know",Aria moved her hand onto my leg.

"I know and I really appreciate-hey wait that's genius,and really stupid but I think it just might work."
I stood up and made my way out of the classroom.
I managed to get to one of the eleventh grade classes without bumping into Mr Tate along the way.
I was just uncertain about whether or not this was Mia's class.
I peered in and saw Adam and Penelope right in the front row.
I gestured to them,waving my hands.
Still nothing,they had their eyes on their note books.
I sighed and knocked on the half opened door.
"Come in",said the plumpy lady.
I walked in and smiled at her.
"Sorry to disturb you Miss but would it be okay with you for me to have a quick word with one of your students."
She smiled at me after hearing how polite I actally am.
"Who my dear?"
"You have one minute."
I looked at Penelope and Adam who were now looking at me.
"I need to ask you something",I said looking at Penelope.
She quickly joined me oustide wide eyed.
"Is it Mia?Is she okay?"
"That's the thing,did you see her today?"
"No,she didn't come to school",Penelope shrugged.
"But she did,Adam was with her this morning."
"What?He never said anything."
"Doesn't matter,she's probably at home,I'm going there now."
"Okay let me know what's happening",Penelope hugged me and headed back into the classroom and I headed out of the school.

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