64 - Faith & Falling In Love

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Jamie's POV

I headed downstairs as the night before was on replay in my head. I kept thinking about the way I left Mia. She didn't seem like she was in the right state of mind. I didn't blame her though. She had a right to feel the way she felt, I just wish I knew the way she felt. I had told her everything. About how I had moved around my entire life, about my father's job and how every two or three months we pack up and move. I also told her about the relationship I had my with my father, how we weren't the best of friends. When I started explaining to her she looked as if she wanted to cry but I jumped to the part about how I had convinced my mother that she should let me stay in Ashwood high cause it's a good academic decision. I honestly didn't care about school as much I cared about Mia but if saying I did got me to stay in Oregon I would have said it a thousand times.The only problem was that I had to move back and forth between Philadelphia and Oregon almost every second week. Which meant fetching assignments from school and doing most of it while I was Philadelphia. I knew I could make it work. All I needed to know was if Mia wanted to make it work with me. It would be hard being away from her but I promised her that we would facetime as much as we could and text every day.
I was willing to do anything for Mia. It didn't really make sense, in my heart I knew we should have just ended things but I couldn't let her go again. I couldn't go through the pain of knowing she wasn't mine once more. I needed her and even though the odds were stacked against us and many obstacles were in front of us I was going to do everything I possibly could in order to make Mia understand that she and I were in fact end game.

I loved this girl more than she could ever possibly know.

"Morning Jamie", my mother greeted as I headed into the living room.

"You're still here",I said confused.

"I am exhausted",my mother sighed from her position on the couch.

My mind drifted to what Mia and I did on the couch the previous night and I had to bring myself back into the moment.

"I decided I'm going to call in and take a day off. I need sleep or else I'm going to self destruct",she smiled.

"Please do mom, you need to chill",I admitted as I sat down on the couch next to her.

"I also need to head down to the high school today. I'm meeting with the principal to discuss you and Jared's schooling arrangement."

"Which is?"

"Since you and Jared will have to move back and forth from Oregon to Phili for the next few months the school has agreed to aid in this plan. I'm going to be working alternate weeks at Oregon County Hospital and The Phili Research Hospital so when I come to Oregon I'll bring you boys with",she explained.

"How long is a few moths?"

"I'm not sure son, your father is not permanent so they didn't let us know yet."

Hearing that he wasn't permanent meant that I still had a chance at staying in Oregon and being with Mia.

"Are we going to be staying with Aunt Gabby in Philadelphia?"

"Yes it doesn't make sense to get another place and she is going to take care of Jonah."

"I'm just finding it hard to process everything",I shrugged.

"I know it's a lot to take in, we haven't had things this complicates before. Usually we just pack up and leave",she put her hand on my shoulder.

"This is more than just complicated. This is crazy",I shook my head.

"Would you rather just move to Philadelphia permanently?"

"Nothing is permanent with us."

"I'm sorry you boys have to go through this",she said bringing her hand to her head.

"We're going to be gypsies forever aren't we?", I smiled and my mother let out a laugh.

"Tell you what,I'll speak to coach and try and save you your spot on the team. You can practice when you're in Phili and I'll make sure you're in town for every game."

"What?You'd really do that?",I asked pretending that it was a huge thing but I didn't care about soccer anymore and I already knew that my she was only doing it to please my father anyway.

"What is so important about staying here in Oregon anyway? I mean you and your brother have adapted to new places so many times. When you told me you wanted to stay last week I couldn't understand why",she shrugged.

"I have friends here",I said standing up.

"Well back in Ohio you were captain of the football team and you had some great friends, and Angela",she shrugged.

"Are you trying to make me feel better mom?", I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just saying son, if I thought you'd want to be anywhere it would be Ohio",she clarified.

"I'm doing great on the football team at Ashwood, I'm in the running for a scholarship to UC Davis and most importantly mom I'm in love",I said without thinking.

"In love?",she laughed.

"Yes mom, love. I love her and I don't want to lose her because she makes me happy",I tried to explain.

"Angela made you happy."

"Angela broke my heart. Mia isn't Angela.",I sighed.

"Oh my poor boy. Have it your way but be careful, love is one complicated mess and with all our moving around you're making it more complicated. I don't want you getting hurt again",she said as she touched my face.

"This time it's different, I know",I shook my head. "In fact you should meet Mia."

My mother looked at me in shock. I had never wanted her to even be in the same room as Angela and I always used my father as an excuse. My father's opinion was that love could wait. It wasn't important. Walker men focus on themselves and become successful then find a companion.

"I think I have an idea, Jamie."

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