Chapter 41- Protection & Perverted Minds

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"What are you going to possibly do? The screen is cracked", I shook my head as I followed the good looking stranger.

"Don't you know everything,princessa?"

"I'm pointing out facts and don't call me that", I rolled my eyes at him.

" The screen isn't cracked okay? Just the guard. I have a spare one in my car", he looked at me and rolled his eyes too.

I stayed silent and walked behind him, we made our way to the front of the house. I couldn't even see Clare to tell her what happened.

"Isn't the parking out back?", I asked from behind him as I raised an eyebrow.

"I can't park Maria amongst the common ", he shook his head.

" You named your car? And you made her Spanish?", I laughed.

" Carlos Santana, princessa", he said with a smile.

Before I could respond and remind him I said not to call me that, he stopped, in front of an Audi, and with a click he unlocked the car.
I watched him as he opened the front door,stuck half his body into the car.I could hear the sound of him rummaging. I looked at him from behind. I continued looking at him until I realised that I was looking at him.I found myself kind of embarrassed, although he did have a very nice posterior.

"Enjoying the view from back there?", his voice was teasing.

I turned red and then I turned around, facing the house. He couldn't have possibly known that I was looking at him.

" There's nothing quite interesting ", I teased back at him.

He pulled his body out of the car and looked directly at me.

"Do you want to see something interesting?", he asked with a mischievous grin.

Kill me now.

I hated those type of guys, the forward ones. The ones who thought they were irresistible. The ones who thought that they were so good looking that if they're straightforward with a girl she would still be flattered. Newsflash nothing about a guy who treats sexual activities like they're meaningless is attractive. Especially if a guy wants to engage in those activities with you. Flattering? Far from it.

"Screen guard", I smiled at him.

" Calm down princessa,I have it", he said flashing the plastic guard in my face.


"Where's your phone?"

"You have it", I replied shaking my head.

" No you have it. "

"What? No I don't. Oh my", I said as I began to think.

" You're so dramatic ", he laughed as he pulled my phone out of his pocket and began removing the cracked screen guard.

I watched him as he carefully removed it, he was so focused. I couldn't help but notice his hands. He had really nice hands. He seemed good with his hands. Like if I had to break something he would fix it. Like he was doing right now. Or if I were to require the help of his hands in any way he would definitely help me.

Any way. Help me. Any way.

What was I doing? Was I? Was I attracted to him? I mean I understood he was good looking. A remarkable specimen of a man. He was dripping in sexual attraction but that's not me. I don't get attracted to someone because of the way they look, and if I do I will immediately become uninterested if they are... Well the way he is.

How could I possibly like him? I didn't even know his name. I was in love with Jamie.



Oh,Jamie.You broke my heart.

Oh, Jamie. I miss you so much.

I could feel my heart begin to hurt again. It never stopped but for the few moments when I was paying attention, when I focusing on the handsome stranger who was protecting my phone I didn't feel anything. I wasn't thinking about Jamie.

Don't think about Jamie.


Oh, Jamie.

That smile, his hair, his eyes.

"Are you thinking about Jamie?"

I blinked back to reality. Did he just say what I think he did. I looked at him confused.

"What?", I uttered.

" I said, are you thinking about paying me?I fixed your phone princessa", he said handing me the phone with a smile.

"Oh, oh-uh thank you", I smiled back with a sigh.

" You spaced out for a while there, you okay?", he asked placing his hand on the car door and closing it.

"I do that a lot, my mind is all over the place", I laughed so it didn't seem like I was going insane.

" Hey, don't do that. Don't dwell on things that you can't change or things that have happened in the past. Your past is your past, you learn from it. Let it go. Look toward your future. That's all that matters", he said moving closer to me.

I didn't even notice that he was holding my hand.

His words meant something, they hit me. Hard. I needed to let go of Trent entirely. I was still holding on to what could have been. I needed to learn from Trent but leave him in my past. Jamie was supposed to be my future but I ruined that and I needed to make things right.

"Did you hear princessa? "

"Yes, I did. For a guy with such good looks, I would think you'd be shallow. "

"And? "


"I could go deeper", he smirked.

" And you made me hate you again", I laughed and turned to walk away.
He still had a grip on my hand and so he pulled me back till our faces were inches from each other.

"What's your name? "
"Cute, is that italian? "
"Close, Spanish.Like your Maria so can I ask your name Italian boy? "
" Leo Garcia, Leonardo if you want to be professional. "




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