Chapter 33 -Rendezvous & Revelations

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Jamie's POV.

I made my way down to the pitch, the air was quite warm because summer was beginning to roll in.The stands we're filled up with students and parents who came to watch the Ashwood Dragons win the first game of the season. When I reached the pitch I turned around to scan the stands. Nicky trailed behind me and waved to some of her friends. I looked around but I couldn't find my father anywhere. I told him that the game was today, I was sure of it.I looked through the stands one more time, that's when I saw her. Her ebony hair swirling down to her shoulders as her smile glowed in the light of the night. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.
Mia was everything good in the world and everything good in the world was Mia.
She was standing with Penelope, Yoko and that Sarah girl I didn't like. They were conversing and Mia was laughing.
I couldn't hear the sound of her laugh but I could see that it was genuine. I tried to get her attention by waving to her and trying to make eye contact but she was in another world. I forced myself to avert my eyes from her and I looked around once more for my father. I really didn't care if he was there or not it's just that it was really annoying that he wanted me to do this and yet he didn't have the decency to actually show up at my game. He never did, he never came to any of my games.
Mom would always come though, she would scream for me, even if she had to leave her shift early she'd wear her scrubs and come. Then afterwards she'd buy Jared, Jonah and I pizza on the way home. Even when she bragged to my father about how well I was doing he wouldn't say anything, the best I had ever got was a "Not bad. "
from him.
For some reason, after our conversation I thought he would actually come. I guess I shouldn't have  had such high expectations. He's still a douchebag. He would always be a douchebag.

"Lost in thoughts of me? "

I turned to see Mia standing beside me. I didn't process the fact that she was actually there so it took me awhile.
My lips automatically curved into a smile and I wrapped my arms around her with ease. All the tension and anxiousness I carried disappeared. I even forgot about my father in that moment. It was as if the rest of the world fell away and it was just the two of us.
I realised that Mia was just standing in front of me with a smile on her face.
I shook my head and gave her a smile back so I could come back to reality.
"I wanted to ask you someth-", Mia started but I cut her off unintentionally.
"Thanks for coming."
"I didn't come for you", Mia rolled her eyes. She was so cute when she did that.
" Oh really, who did you come for then?"
"Someone.", she said teasingly and she walked toward the side of the bleachers.

"Trent? ", I asked with a shrug as I followed her. We stood almost under the bleachers, completely out of view.

"Argh, No! ", she exclaimed quite surprised that I said that.
I didn't blame her, I never brought up Trent before and neither did she.
"I came for Nicky", Mia added with a proud look.
" Nicky and I need to have a talk, I feel like she's stealing you", I said going closer to her.

"Something that does not belong to you cannot be stolen. "

I pushed her against the side of the bleacher. I could feel that she was nervous. It was the way her body reacted to me. She would start playing with her fingers and she wouldn't make eye contact with me, and the way she breathed. That was the most important factor. Whenever I was close to her she would start breathing hysterically and sometimes her breathing would just hitch. I hated that because it made me lose control of myself. I leaned in closer to her until my forehead was against hers.

"You're mine", I whispered in her face.

The sound of the people was loud and chaotic but somehow Mia seemed to drown it out just by being so close to me.

"I'm yours."
She said the words as if she was hypnotised. Still her eyes didn't meet mine.

" Look at me", I said as I lifted her head up with my right hand, and her cinnamon eyes found mine.

I wanted to revel in being with her for a few more seconds but Mia did something I didn't expect her to do.

She kissed me. Her lips brushed against mine softly. It felt like cotton candy. Her lips were sweet like cotton candy too. Not just any cotton candy, the cotton candy you buy at those carnivals that come around once in a long while.

I was taken aback by her sudden spontaneity but with no time to delay I kissed her back, hard. I brought my hands to her neck and held her firmly so I could do exactly what I needed to. I was lost in the softness of her mouth that it was only when I struggled to breathe that I released Mia from the captivity of my kiss.

I moved away and looked at the pitch, my teammates were already there and the sound of the people was somehow magnified. When I brought my focus back to Mia she was still catching her breath.

"What? ", she said as if she had a problem with me looking at her

"You wanted to ask me something? "

"Oh yes", she replied coming toward me. " Sarah's friend is throwing a party after the game, it's for the football team", she added in explanation.

"Is he on the team? ", I asked wondering why I didn't hear about this party.
" No, he's some rich guy, he's a senior though, apparently he throws the sickest parties", Mia smiled.

"Have you ever been?"
"No, he's a friend of Sarah's, I don't know him", she shrugged.
" Are you going?"

"If you are. ", she smiled
"So do you wanna go? ", Mia then asked softly.

"I can't Mia, you know how my dad is", I said looking away.
"Can you beg him?", she suggested hopefully.
I shook my head and then I came to the revelation that I should've been able to do whatever the hell I wanted to since I was almost eighteen anyway.
A party wasn't going to kill me.

"You know what, I'm going with you and we're going to have fun", I smiled at her.

" Well look at my boyfriend, the ambassador of fun", she laughed.

"Hey, no drinking tonight. For your safety okay?"

"Yes, sir. You're so overprotective", she laughed

"Your safety is my priority.Always.Now go out there and cheer for you boyfriend", I said as I slipped my hand into hers,bent forward and gave her a peck on the cheek.

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