Chapter 1: Broken

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A/N: hey guys! I know I suck at updating my stories, which is why I promise to write at least half the book before I upload the first chapter. I've had writers block mostly because I can't think of a good plot but I feel confident with this one. Please let me know what you think. I read every comment so please leave them. Without further ado, enjoy!

Have you ever felt broken? Because I sure have. I don't know why I was broken because nothing broke me if that makes sense. It's like how you break a vase, except it just falls apart; nothing pushed it, nothing hit it, nothing even brushed up against it. Just nothing.

Life just has a way of doing that to you I guess. But every now and then we find that person who comes along with the glue that can restore that broken vase. I'm still waiting for that person.

Anyways I'll stop with all that mushy feelings stuff. I'm actually pretty alright with my life: I have a good family, nice friends, pretty good grades. The only thing that's wrong is that I haven't come out yet. It sucks trying to hide who you are from your loved ones, but it'd suck even more for my family to reject me; I don't even know what would happen if I came out to my parents, but I also don't know if it's just something in my head telling me it'll go wrong.

I live in a quaint little town called Kingsdale. It's truly beautiful and has a vintage charm to it that some people love and others despise. It was a very average town that was just populated enough where everyone didn't know everyone else's business. The town has a sweet Southern charm to it that would make any home magazine eat its heart out. However a quaint town comes with the upsides of adorable family owned stores, and downsides of not having the same cool things to do like other towns so you have to get creative to have fun.

I was getting ready for school on a Friday morning. I put on my gray sweater to keep myself warm in the chilled morning air that nipped at my arms. Fixing my hair in the mirror, I looked as if I hadn't slept in days, which was almost true since I watched way too much TV.

A car horn beeped outside meaning that my friend, Michael, was here. Michael was one of my only friends, we grew close in middle school and somehow just clicked, it was weird because I have really bad social anxiety (which is my way of saying I'm shy and bad at making friends), so I have no idea how we became friends. Michael is also one of the only people that knows I'm gay; we were watching The Avengers and I started internally fangirling over Captain America, and Michael just looked over and asked "are you gay?" as if he could smell it on me or something, and by that point I'd accepted it myself so I decided to tell him the truth. . . and he was totally fine with it!? I wanted at least some kind of reaction!

I walked out of my house yelling a quick goodbye to my parents before closing the front door behind me. I hopped into the passenger seat of Michael's car, "Hey Mikey, hi Ilya, hey Charlie."

Ilya was a year younger than us, and he was sitting by himself one day at lunch a couple years back and we decided to sit with him. We found out that Ilya is a pretty good guy that just doesn't open up to most people since his family moved around a lot. Michael has a heart of gold and will do anything to help those in need, so of course he took Ilya under his wing.

Charlie is dating my good friend Selene and I guess he lives in the same apartment complex as Michael because he always gives Charlie a ride.

"Ugh, I just want this day to be over," Michael whined, he wasn't a morning person at all, but at least he had his coffee, and God help you if you ever got between Michael and his coffee.

"It just started; you can last eight more hours," I teased. Michael smirked while taking a sip of his coffee, which could only mean that he was thinking of a dirty joke.

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