Chapter 15: Hot Chocolate

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A/N: Hey guys, so I accidentally hit publish on the next chapter that's still in development, whoops. I know a good amount of you all probably got the notification so I'm uploading this chapter early for you. REMEMBER TO COMMENT, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IT MOTIVATES ME! Without further ado, enjoy!

It was weird to realize how much Eric actually cares about me. It hasn't even been a week. I was actually a little sad to go back to school after the "lunch" break at Blackwood. I think I'm still in disbelief that a guy like Eric would want a guy like me.

Étienne told me to follow my heart, so I guess I'll be a little more open to Eric. Or at least continue to tease him.

School wasn't as eventful as the rest of what was going on in my life. Everything was usual for me, but at least I didn't run into someone else again. Although I did see a few more people staring at me for some reason.

After school I went back to the Pack house with Michael. I wanted to keep my friendship with Michael separate from whatever Eric and I were. I also wanted to keep Eric wanting, so Michael and I went to his room to study.

It was kind of weird to be studying in his room, because he would usually come over to my house to do this sort of thing. Honestly I was glad to be studying with him, because he was definitely more book smart than me.

About an hour passed by and I was finally done with my chemistry. Now I was on to the one class I was surprisingly good at: math. It shouldn't take that long luckily. However, as I grabbed my textbook, my hand turned cold and my stomach sank. I didn't know why I was suddenly stricken with this feeling of anxiety, but I shook it off and started my work.

I began to look through the textbook for the correct page, and as I did so something caught my eye. There was a folded up paper in the pages of my math book. At first I thought it was one of my notes, but I only had notebook paper and this was a regular page. Then my mind wondered to the thought of it being a love note from a secret admirer, which seemed very unlikely. I unfolded the paper to reveal a circular runic symbol drawn in black ink. It seemed very ominous and that feeling of anxiety came back when I touched the ink.

I shot up from the spot I was working at on the floor, and threw the paper across the room. Michael noticed me quickly get up, and he looked at me questioningly to see if I was alright.

I wasn't sure what that feeling was, but I know it wasn't good by any means. It was like that feeling of dread coursed through my veins when I touched the ink. Michael got up and went over to examine the paper, and I could see his face drop when he looked at the symbol. We had both seen it too many times this week, and there was no doubt in my mind that it was the symbol of the hag Lavinia.

"Jamie, where did this come from?" Michael asked carefully.

Fear was starting to grow in me as I thought about my answer, "I have no idea."

Michael looked between the note and I a few times before crumbling it up and throwing it away in his trash bin. There was a pause as he considered the implications of that note. I was completely freaked out. Why would anyone leave me that note?

Michael noticed my worried expression and came over to assure me that everything was going to be fine. Although with everything that's happened over these past few days, there's a strong possibility that everything is not fine.

"Michael, that's some kind of sign. I don't think it's a coincidence anymore. I mean that goat thing was one of Lavinia's monsters and now her symbol shows up in my locker? What did I do to this ancient bitch?" I was on the verge of losing it at this point.

"Jamie listen to me," Michael calmed me and sat me down on his bed, "Nothing is going to happen to you. Whoever this is doesn't realize who they're messing with, and as long as you're staying with us, nothing is gonna get to you."

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