Chapter 17: Bloodline

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A/N: hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update. Remember to comment because it makes my day when I see how you guys respond to what's going on. Without further ado, enjoy!

Jamie's POV: (24 hours after the last chapter)

I'm scared, terrified in fact. I'm scared that I might be falling in love with a werewolf. I honestly never thought I'd say something like that. I've never had a boyfriend, and now my first one is supposed to be my soulmate? I thought I'd at least get to test the waters a little bit before I got locked down. I obviously wouldn't tell Eric that, I think he'd go crazy.

Last night was actually pretty fun, Eric helped me with my homework (he tried at least), Étienne and Ilya came over to the Pack House to hangout, and we all watched some so-bad-it's-good movie. Eric's mom basically forced Smitty to invite Étienne over so she could meet him. Just wait until Michael tells her who Ilya is. Last night was the first night in a while that seemed normal. Of course, how normal can it be when I'm hanging out with four werewolves and a witch?

School was just another burden today, like yesterday. I'm just excited that tomorrow is finally Friday, gotta love a four day school week. I haven't been able to focus on stuff with all of these people looking at me weirdly. It kinda grosses me out that they know Eric and I are . . . whatever we are. 

That's another thing, Eric started acting weird around me last night. Weirder than he already is. He seemed almost distant, like he was hiding something, and then he stayed by my side all night like my shadow. I even caught Étienne giving me odd looks here and there, and today in school he wasn't his usual charismatic self.

So it's after school, and I'm sitting board in Eric's room, since Michael wanted to go check up on Ilya and wouldn't let me come with. I'm guessing he wanted some alone time, but in doing so he left me alone with Eric.

I was sitting (or more like laying) sideways on this large chair in the corner of Eric's room just staring off into space, while he was doing so exercise thing. I figured, if we're 'destined to be soulmates' I might as well get to know him more, "So when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?"

Without breaking focus from his workout pushy thingy he said, "I wanted to be the Alpha like my dad."

Okay that answer was kinda boring, "You didn't wanna be anything else?"

That made Eric pause for a quick moment before continuing, "I guess I thought being a fireman could be cool. I'd be able to protect and save people, but I think I'm already doing enough of that with you. What about you? What did you wanna be?"

I felt embarrassed admitting this, "Well when I was little I wanted to be a pop star. . ."

Eric fully stopped his workout and looked over at me with a bemused smile on his face, "You wanted to be a pop star? That's adorable."

"Yeah well you can see why it didn't work out," I joked, "But now I kinda wanna be a journalist like my mom."

Now resuming his arm pushy stuff, Eric said, "Y'know, as the Alpha I could pull some strings and get you a job at the town newspaper if you want, but it's not like you'd have to work anyways if you're the Alpha's mate."

At first that sounded very intriguing, "I don't know, I feel like I should have a career and not just be some trophy husband."

"It's not that bad, my mom didn't have a job," he responded, "Her main job was raising me and Michael, which was definitely a lot of work. Hopefully you'll be able to do the same with our kids."

"Woah, slow your roll there," I said as I sat up, "Our kids? We've known each other for less than a week, and kids are at least 5-10 years in my future. Also, what would we do, adopt a kid and raise them as a werewolf?"

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