Chapter 12: Legends

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A/N: Hello everybody! Here's another chapter to keep your spirits up during quarentine, and I'm working on new one's for you guys. We're all in this together *que high school musical*. Anyways please leave me your comments to let me know what you all think, and without further ado, enjoy!

Thank goodness I had Monday off of school, because I don't think I'm mentally stable enough to learn anything.

Michael and I had gone to Blackwood to make sure Ilya was okay. I didn't mind going back there, mostly because it was a breathtaking house, but partly because I didn't know what to do about Eric so the farther away from him the better.

Étienne was all too excited to show us around, and we were brought to some kind of laboratory that looked like a mix between Frankenstein's lab and a greenhouse.

"What are we doing in here?" Michael asked, while running his fingers over an odd looking pink plant.

Étienne was clutching the book I had found the other day and we laughing giddily, "Last night when I was reading, I found the exact thing we need to turn our poor little Ilya here back into a plain human. I thought it would be a spell, but turns out it's a potion. I'm pretty sure I should have most of the ingredients here, so come on boys let's get to work."

I usually hated manual labor, but I had the best sleep of my life last night so I was pretty energized. I just wouldn't admit that to Eric.

Étienne propped the book up and open to a page towards the back of the book that I assumed had the potion on it. Etienne squinted at the words on the page, which gave me a feeling of déjà vu when I saw his eyes were a dull blue color: I could've sworn his eyes were purple or something.

"Oh damnit," Étienne huffed, "This potion is gonna take a couple days to make."

Ilya's eyes shot open in shock, "Days?!"

"Yeah, it sucks, I was planning on visiting New Orleans sometime this week," Étienne sighed as he walked over to grab a cauldron. That's odd, I thought of all things that would be stereotypical of a witch it would be a black cauldron. "The first thing we need is basic Witches Brew then we add onto that to make the potion. I use a family recipe for Witches Brew so fingers crossed it works. Michael, can you get me a few sprigs of rosemary? Ilya, I need honey from that cabinet over there. Jamie, I want you to get some bloodmeal from one of those jars on the shelf."

"There's blood in this?!" Ilya asked.

Étienne waved him off, "Only a little bit, but don't worry it's not mine. Now go get the honey."

As we all parted our ways, I followed Ilya, "Hey, how are you doing . . . y'know with all of this?"

"It's a lot to deal with, but I'm hoping this potion works," Ilya grabbed the honey from a large dusty cabinet near the door of the room, "I mean I've had a real craving for meat lately and I bark when the doorbell rings, but other than that everything has been pretty normal."

I laughed, "It's good to see you're dealing with this well."

"Yeah," he smiled, "I think I'm gonna have to go to therapy after this, but I don't think the therapist would believe me."

I placed my hand on his arm to reassure him, "Don't worry, we're going to change you back and you're gonna live a normal life, I know it."

Étienne was grinding some odd herbs in a wooden mortar and started talking to no one in particular, "I still remember the first time I made a potion: my aunt Reagan wanted help with a love potion to give my grandfather so that he wouldn't leave my grandmother. Looking back, it was rather manipulative, but I was 8 so what are you going to do?"

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