Chapter 14: School

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A/N: Hey guys! We reached 20k readers! Ahhh I'm so excited that y'all are enjoying this book, it truly is so much fun to write and I'm glad people are liking it too! Please leave me your comments because they give me something to do during quarentine. Without further ado, enjoy!

I was still shaken up by that dream: was it really a dream? But that feeling passed as I once again awoke in the arms of a werewolf. I have to admit, it did make me feel all warm and tingly inside. I was about to get up, when Eric pulled me closer and snuggled his face into my hair. It would've been a cute moment it something else hadn't also snuggled up to me: I guess he had an exciting dream.

I decided to get up, but found it a little difficult because everytime I tried to move away from Eric he would just pull me back into him, like I was some kind of teddy bear. After 5 attempts I huffed a said, "Eric? Can you let me go?"

He started to stir awake so I repeated, "Eric, let me go I gotta get ready for school."

Eric finally woke up enough to release me, "Good morning cutie."

"Yeah hi, um can you go get my bag outta your truck?" I asked, needing my clothes for the day.

He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "Anything for you baby." He then threw off the covers and hopped out of bed, Eric Junior (although it wasn't so junior) making a prominent appearance in his underwear.

He thankfully put some pants on and descended the stairs, leaving me alone in his room. I didn't exactly know what to do while waiting, but figured I'd better get a quick shower in while he was gone, so I practically ran into the bathroom and threw my "pajamas" off before jumping into the shower. I had to utilize my time, so I shampooed my hair first and while I was rinsing it out I was soaping the essential parts of my body. After I fully rinsed off I hopped out of the shower and got a clean towel off the rack nearby. Finally, a shower without any fuckery.

Just as I finished drying off I could hear Eric climbing back up the stairs. I called out to him through the door, "Could you hand me my bag?"

I opened the door up a little and stuck my hand out to grab my bag. I felt it enter my hand and I quickly got it in the bathroom and shut the door again. Eric laughed, "You know you could change out here, it's not anything I haven't seen."

"Yeah, but I don't know if I trust you with your little friend this morning," I said, I was a lot more honest in the mornings.

"Jamie," Eric started in a husky seductive tone, "You and I both know it's not 'little'."

My eyes widened and I quickly put on clothes to hide my body from his inevitable hungry gaze. Speaking of hungry, I was starving.

I came out of the bathroom and asked, "Is there anything I can eat before school?"

Eric came up to me and took my hand, he began to lead me downstairs, "Of course, there's all kinds of stuff in the kitchen; breakfast is probably ready by now."

As we made our way to the first floor, we passed quite a few other teens going to and from the communal bathrooms getting ready for school as well. I had my eye out for Michael, hoping he might save me from his brother. Eventually we made it downstairs and to the kitchen where there were about 7 other people that I kinda recognized from school. All of those people looked right up at us as Eric practically dragged me into the kitchen. There were a few plates already put out for Pack members that were piled with food, like far more than anyone needs.

Eric handed me a plate and brought us over to sit down at the large table, all while these people were staring at us with questioning looks. I don't like social situations like this, granted this is the first type with werewolves and a soulmate.

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