Chapter 10: Blackwood

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After breakfast we broke off into our teams, and as luck would have it I was paired with Eric. Fate was cruel.

The library was off of a corridor next to the dining room, the carpet leading to it was very worn. The oak doors seemed almost ominous to me, but Eric grabbed the golden door handles without giving it a second thought. We entered into the well used library that had a red chaise lounge near a set of French doors and two black desk in the center of the room, but the true marvel was the bookcases lining the walls filled with all different types of encyclopedias and textbooks. I was astonished.

Eric put his arm around me, "This is going to take a while."

Nervous about what to do, I pulled myself away from him, "Yep, so we should get to work."

"Where should we start?" He asked while walking over to one of the desks and looking at the cover of some overturned book.

Trying to stay as far away from this strange guy I suggested, "Maybe we should start on opposite sides so we can cover more ground."

Eric frowned, "How are you going to see the books on the top shelf then?"

Damn my average height. I just gave in and said, "Fine, why don't I take the bottom and you take the top?"

"That sounds perfect," he winked at me.

It took me a second to understand what he was referring to, "Oh I didn't mean it like that!"

"Sure you didn't," he laughed, "Now come on let's find that werewolf book; maybe you could learn a thing or two by reading it."

"That'd be helpful," I sighed, "I didn't expect any of this, especially Michael being a werewolf. How good of a friend could I have been if he didn't even trust me with a secret like that?"

Eric was standing on his tiptoes scanning the spines of the books, "Don't blame yourself, he wasn't allowed to tell you. I'm sure he wanted to let you know, but he couldn't without being excommunicated from the pack."

I ran my fingers over a row of books, carefully reading each title, "Then why are you telling me now?"

"Well, you've already seen us in our wolf forms and you've proven your loyalty to Michael," Eric carefully explained, "Also, since I'm the next in line to be Alpha I get to make those decisions on who gets to know."

"What's an Alpha?" I asked aimlessly.

Eric pulled an old book out to read its title, "In every wolf pack, there's at least one leader who's essentially the strongest wolf called the Alpha, then there's the people under the Alpha who are like vice presidents called Betas, the fighters or warriors in the pack are Deltas, the weaker pack members are called Omegas, and the Alpha's mate is the Lunar or Luna."

"I shouldn't be learning this much on a weekend," I joked.

These were some of the weirdest book titles, but I guess that's expected of a witch library: I mean titles like The Hexes of Stumpbridge, Curses and You: the Magical Way to Get Revenge, Magnificent Creatures and Their Locations, The Jallywagg Jinxes, Black Kats, or The Secret Powers of the Moon. I mean, who comes up with this stuff?

Eric spoke up from above me, "Oh look at this one, Adventures With the Troublesome Gnomes, seems like a fun read."

I laughed at his stupid sense of humor, "Have you met many Gnomes in your life?"

Eric was more serious now, "Only one and he was an asshole."

"Oh," was all I could respond with, I didn't think he actually had met one, "Are there any mythical creatures that aren't real?"

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