Chapter 5: Chevy Truck

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I had an odd dream: I was walking along a path deep in a forest, it seemed like a mystical place full of magic. I followed the trail but then I reach a turn on the path, one that appeared dark and ominous. I tried to keep on the trail but something pulled me onto the eerie one. There were all these strange animals I'd never seen before and the all led me to a cottage. It looked out of a fairy tale and as I approached I realized it wasn't as quaint as I thought. The door creaked open to reveal 3 people with clothes draped on them almost like cloaks, and they were standing around a cauldron stirring a green potion. They looked up at me and their faces were familiar, but before I could tell who it was I was awakened by people talking.

I could barely make out what they were saying, ". . . first day with him and . . . the roof."

A much deeper voice said, "It was two minutes. . . tricky little fox. . . I just gotta do what's best for all of us."

"You can't. . . what if it goes wrong? Then. . . and Michael wouldn't forgive you," the memories of the night came flooding back to me.

How am I still alive? I peaked my eyes open a little bit and noticed I was in Eric's room. Oh no. The voices that were talking walked rather loudly down the stairs. I shot up quickly, but I was soon saddened by the loss of warmth the comforter provided.

I had to come up with a new plan to escape; I was still a bit sore from falling off the roof. Maybe I could get to a phone? I had to think quickly because who knows when they'd be back. Speaking of which, I felt a presence still in the room with me, and this feeling was confirmed when I heard someone clear their throat.

I yelped as I looked up to see the cause and I saw a tall guy with dyed red hair staring at me.

"Hi," he calmly spoke. He was leaning against a wall nonchalantly.

"I-uh. . . Are you-?"

He interrupted, "It's okay, I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but take it easy; you had a pretty big fall."

"Why are you keeping me here?" I asked. I honestly didn't care about subtlety at this point.

The guy laughed at this, "Did Eric say you couldn't leave?"

"Well not exactly, but it seemed like he wasn't going to let me go," now I feel embarrassed saying it out loud.

"I get it, Eric means well- he really does- but I guess he just isn't the best at expressing what he means," the red haired man spoke.

"So this means I can go?" I asked slowly.

He got a worried look on his face for a split second then snapped his head back up, "Well yeah, but I think it would be best if you rested here for the time being."

"Is Michael okay?" I asked.

He looked surprised, "Oh Michael? Yeah he's fine. We're still trying to figure out what happened to the poor guy."

At this moment I realized how dumb I was to bring Michael here in the first place, "Did you take him to the hospital?"

"Nah, he wasn't that sick," the guy said, "So what were you doing climbing down the roof? We have stairs you know?"

"Yeah well I decided to take the express way down."

He chuckled, "You're funny, pipsqueak."

"My name is Jamie," I corrected.

He waved his hand, "I'm Smitty."

"Oh, I've never heard of that name before," I said.

"Or you've never heard of a nickname," he laughed. It's been a rough night, leave me alone.

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