Chapter 11: Mate

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A/N: here's a little update for y'all in quarantine. Please comment bc it entertains me and shows me my writing mistakes! Love you guys!

Étienne returned shortly with my duffel bag all the while smiling and wearing his tiara as if he wasn't sending me to my doom. I was still being carried like a baby, which usually I wouldn't mind since I'm lazy, but the fact that it was a werewolf that could snap me in half wasn't reassuring.

Michael took my bag and hugged Ilya goodbye before leaving in front of us. Finally their parents noticed me and his mother asked, "Oh who's this?"

Eric smiled, "Mom, Dad, this is Jamie."

I felt as if I was being shown off as some trophy or present. I gave a nervous smile as a greeting, since I didn't know what else to do in that situation. His parents looked back and forth from my face to Eric's before his mother with a surprised demeanor said, "Oh is he . . ? Aw that's adorable! I can't believe it."

I was baffled as to what she meant, but I could assume that she probably thought we were dating based off of my current position. I was quick to set the record straight, "Oh ma'am we aren't dating or anything like that. I'm Jamie Lovett, Michael's best friend."

Both faces of the parents seem at a loss for words. Oh no, I hope Michael didn't make them think I'm some bad influence. Their father finally broke the silence, "Oh yes of course . . . uh Michael talks about you all the time."

They led us out to the front of the house where I saw a regular SUV and a police car which Smitty was begrudgingly walking toward. Eric carried me to the black SUV and set me down outside the door as he opened it for me. While I was there, I turned behind me and saw the exterior of the manor. It was breathtaking, the stonework mixed with an ebony wood covered with vines that had woven their way onto the walls that made up the magnificent looking Victorian manor.

I was pissed that I was leaving a mansion to stay at a shack. Eric opened the door for me and I had to sit in the middle since I was the smallest of the three. I looked over at Michael and he gave me a reassuring smile that told me everything is going to be okay. Eric climbed in the car and not so slyly put his arm around my shoulder after buckling his seatbelt. I just had to struggle through it. Although I have to admit, being held by a strong man did feel nice.

The car was oddly silent as we drove along, and it was the type of silence that everyone was afraid to break so we all waited in hopes of someone speaking up. Finally their father cleared his throat with a hardy cough, "So uh Jamie, how do you know Michael?"

I was almost scared to answer, but I was more scared to not answer the man. In a very weak voice, that I intended to sound polite, I answered, "Oh we met in school."

I turned to Michael and gave him a nervous look. He looked back at me almost as if to say 'I'm sorry', but I couldn't blame him: I don't think he intended for any of this to happen.

I noticed that Étienne's driveway was exceptionally long and mostly wooded, meaning there was nothing to focus on except the screaming silence inside the car.

Their mother turned around in her seat to face us, "The first thing I want you boys to do when we drop you off is to get some clothes on for goodness sake. I'm sorry Jamie, I wish my sons were smart enough to at least bring clothes if they're going to disappear like you."

I guess she's still a little pissed off at them.

Eric asked, "Speaking of which, how did you find us?"

"A mother's instinct," and with that she turned back around in her seat. She started laughing, "I swear I'll never forget the time when Michael was a toddler and Eric was playing with him one minute and I went to grab a snack for you two, but when I cam back both of you were gone. Just gone. Oh I was a wreck and wouldn't stop screaming 'Someone took my baby!' at anyone and everyone. Then Pheobe came up holding both of you and said she found you hiding in Smitty's tree house. I knew why Eric snuck off but when I asked him why he took Michael too he said in the cutest voice 'he was an accomplice'."

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