Chapter 22: Reinforcements

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A/N: hey guys! Almost went through all of November without posting a chapter, but here I am at the end. I hope you like this chapter, I'm tired rn lol so sorry for any spelling mistakes, but I really wanted to get another chapter out for you guys. Please leave me comments on stuff you liked (or didn't) because I love to read your reactions. Without further ado enjoy!

"Absolutely not!" Eric roared, "That's out of the question."

We find ourselves in a familiar situation. Étienne tried reasoning with him, "You're not listening to me. He would be completely safe, all of us would be there."

Eric regarded Étienne as if the witch was insane, "Are you fucking crazy? Jamie has been put in harm's way since day one, and I'm not going to willingly put him there again."

"It's the only way to lure Angie out of that temple, otherwise she'll lock herself in there and only grow more powerful," Étienne defended, "Eric, she's weak and desperate, we have to get her now, and the best way would be to use Jamie as bait."

"He's my mate, not some worm on a hook. Why don't we just barge in there? We have the numbers." Eric was standing up and I was standing behind him as he argued. I was noticing that he has a really nice back.

"That temple is protected by magic for anyone using it to seek sanctuary. It's similar to the wards on my house, but it basically means as long as she's in there, we can't get her," Étienne explained, "I'm not having another argument with you about this kind of thing. If you want to protect Jamie, then we need to end this."

Before Eric could lose his temper, I rested my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Eric took in a deep breath to formulate his thoughts, "How do I know he'll be safe?"

"You'll be right there, ready to step in if anything goes wrong. You can also bring best Pack fighters for good measure. My fellow witches and I will do most of the work, so all you have to do is sit there like a guard dog," Étienne suggested.

Eric contemplated this for a few moments, even looking over to gage my reaction, until he agreed, "Alright, I'll help you with this as long as Jamie feels safe being the bait."

Eric looked over at me for my thoughts of this plan. I'll be honest, I didn't really like the current course of action, but I reluctantly spoke, "It's not ideal, but what other choice do I have? If Angie can't get me, then she'll go after my mom, and I can't have her getting hurt by all this."

Michael patted my leg, "That's really brave of you Jamie, and don't worry, I'll be there to protect you too."

Eric's eyes went glossy while he stared off into space. I looked at him with confusion for a second before he snapped back to reality. "My dad is on his way with some of our best Deltas. Apparently a few werewolves got into some neighborhoods, Sheriff Smith is trying to deal with some sightings, maybe even an attack."

Smitty gave a weak laugh on the table, "Looks like dad has his work cut out for him."

"That's not good," Étienne began, "It's yet another reason why we need to finish this tonight. I really don't need the Counsel snooping around here."

Étienne rubbed his head, trying to ease the headache that was coming on. He made his way back over to the table Smitty was resting on and leaned down to hug his injured boyfriend.

Ilya had fallen asleep leaning against Michael on the couch, and the werewolf looked in full bliss despite the wound in his shoulder from Étienne. There was a feeling in the air that we all understood: it was likely that someone could get hurt tonight and we were all scared for each other.

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