Chapter 16: Safety

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A/N: Hey guys! I can't believe I didn't upload for the whole month of June, and it was freaking pride month! Oh well, gayness happens year round. Remember to PLEASE COMMENT, it helps me out so much to see how you guys react to things. Without further ado, enjoy!

Eric's POV:

Last night was awful.

To start out with, there was that fucking banshee. Man, that sucked, and not in a fun way. All the Pack members were affected by it because us werewolves have heightened senses, and it caused some mass hysteria. I have even further increased senses when it comes to paranormal stuff - I guess it's some kinda survival trait for Alphas - so when that bitch started screaming it really did a number on me.

The wail also set off 3 of our training Deltas: Kaleb, Xena, and Gabe. Having to help chase them down with barely any hearing wasn't easy, but I did still ended up catching Gabe.

Then to make matters worse, Michael tells me that some creature tried to lure Jamie outside. The thought of something like that hurting my little mate was enough to throw me into a fit of rage. I was pissed that I almost let him get attacked, again. That boy is so fucking prone to danger, but I'll be damned if anything tries to hurt him under my watch. I have my Delta wolves still on the search for that thing.

The final thing that night was about Smitty. No one could find him anywhere, and his scent wasn't in the area. I know that a banshee warns the death of a loved one, and I'd be lying if I said Smitty being dead didn't cross my mind. He has been my best friend since diapers, I can't imagine going on without him, he's like a brother to me. The thing I wasn't expecting was for Jamie to find him. Apparently he had some kind of vision, I have no idea how he did that and I guess he doesn't either. That boy continues to amaze me.

However, there was indeed a good part about last night. Once bedtime came around, Jamie was so creeped out by some creature trying to get him again that he actually suggested that I sleep in bed with him. My heart lifted and I can't explain how happy that made me. Sure he let me sleep in bed with him the night before, but that was out of guilt. This time he asked me because he felt like I could protect him, and nothing made me more ecstatic than knowing that. Ugh I love that boy so fucking much.

Jamie and Michael had already left for school and I was patiently waiting on one of the rocking chairs on the front porch of the Pack house. I found out some interesting information last night, to say the least. I knew Smitty would be coming home on his walk of shame any moment. Bitchass has some explaining to do.

To be honest, the thought of him with Étienne didn't make much sense in my mind. Étienne is a great guy and all, but I guess I didn't think he was Smitty's type. How could two chaotic forces work together without exploding?

Finally, Smitty's car pulled up the long driveway. I could see him trying to play it cool as he got out of his car and made his way over. Smitty just stared at the ground as he walked up, I guess he was hoping I wouldn't mention anything about it.

His hopes would prove wrong as I confronted him right when he got onto the porch, "Hey man."

Smitty almost winced at getting stopped and he slowly turned towards me, "Uh hey, what's up dude?"

"Not a whole lot. Where'd you go last night? We couldn't find you and everyone was worried," I said. It was fun to hold this over his head, since Smitty would be doing the same thing if the roles were reversed.

Smitty tried to come up with an excuse, "I was uh . . . out for a late night run."

"Cut the shit Norman. Where were you?" I could easily call him out and expose him, but I wanted to hear him say it.

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