Chapter 13: Claimed

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A/N: Hey guys! Quarentine sucks but at least it gives me time to work on this book. That being said, I want to warn you that I'm almost caught up with my drafts of chapters so uploads could slow down. No worries though, because here's a brand new chapter just for you. Without further ado, enjoy!

I was staring into the fiery red eyes of the devil himself. I don't know how else to describe this thing except for a demon of pure evil that makes your blood run cold. It extended its claw out towards me and I backed against my door, now realizing I was cornered. The beast flared its nostrils and let out another deafening wail.

Whatever it was took its sharpened fingers and grabbed hold of my left arm, its nails plunging into my skin. I screamed in pain as I felt the claws tear into my arm. In that moment I felt like I was going to die.

A guttural scream crawled its way out of the beast's throat and it began to drag me away towards the woods that sat near my neighborhood. I tried screaming for help but nothing came out of my mouth. I felt death's cold hands around me as the thing took me away into the night.

Almost out of no where there was an ear piercing howl coming from the woods that made the creature stop in its tracks. While the thing was startled, I took the opportunity to try to get away so I sank my teeth into its hand and twisted my way out of its grip.

I fell to the ground and crawled away as best I could, but the thing stumbled back over to me. As it reached out its grotesque hand to grab me, a huge furry figure tackled the mutant-goat-thing. In an instant, it's screams turn from those of intimidation to those of agony. The figure was ripping at the creature's neck and eventually the monster wrangled its way out and scurried away into the night with the same blood curdling wail.

I took a moment to catch my breath and realized I recognized my savior. Of fucking course it was Eric. There was no denying it now, he was definitely a werewolf. Son of a bitch.

Eric slowly came towards me, examining me with each step and stopping inches away from my face. He did that dog thing and stiffed my face rapidly before exhaling all at once and gave my cheek a small lick. Despite the 3rd(?) near death experience in the past 72 hours, I couldn't help but laugh and hug my hero around the neck.

He was really warm compared to the cool night air, and I hated to admit that I felt safe with him there.

"Jamie, are you alright?" He asked in a panicked voice. He had one arm around the small my back and the other pulling my head into his chest as he clung to me.

I managed to turn my head to the side in order to breath, not that I minded being forced up against his pecks. "Y-Yeah, I think I'm okay," I stammered with adrenaline still pumping through my blood, "Thank you Eric, I'd be dead if you hadn't saved me from that thing."

"That thing is the goatman of Stump Bridge. I don't know why it would come after you though, it never goes far from the bridge," Eric spoke with a languid voice that suggested he was thinking of something else while he explained this to me. What even is my life at this point? Witches? Werewolves? Demon goats? All of this was being presented to me in a little too casual of a way that I was uncomfortable with. How can everyone else act calm when there's something trying to kill us around every corner? Maybe I should've gone to Sparrow Lake with my parents this weekend.

"Eric? I have a quick question. Um, why are these things trying to kill me?" I asked with a twinge of sarcasm although it was a valid question.

Eric was deep in thought and only pulled me closer to him with each passing second, "I don't know Jamie. I'll be honest with you. I've never seen a regular person get attacked by two different creatures in two days. Frankly, I don't think you're safe here anymore, so go pack your bags, you're staying with me until everything has died down. Nothing will be able to get you with me there to protect you."

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