Chapter 18: Change

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A/N: Hey guys! First of all thank you so much for 1,000 followers, that is insane and I love you all so much. Remember to comment, because every time I see that notification on my phone, it makes me feel the motivation to work on this book. You all are incredible. Without further ado, enjoy!

I was in such a daze that I could barely understand the conversation that was happening in front of me. There is no way I'm a . . . witch. Even thinking the word was insane. How could my mother not tell me that granny was a witch? Or that she was rich, have you seen Étienne's house? Speaking of which, Blackwood seems to be the main topic of discussion.

"Eric, be reasonable," Étienne calmly said.

"No! Fuck that, you're not taking Jamie!" Eric was fuming as he paced around the room.

"Nobody's taking him, this is about protecting him. Blackwood is the safest place for him to be, he should've never came here in the first place," Étienne replied.

Eric didn't exactly take that very well, "The safest place for Jamie is here with me!"

"Oh really?" Étienne questioned, "How safe was he the other night? I hear there was a creature right outside the window trying to lure Jamie outside."

"Fuck you, Étienne. There's no way in hell I'd ever let Jamie get hurt. I have about a hundred people in this Pack to protect Jamie."

Étienne just smiled, "Isn't funny how even with about a hundred people, none of them could tell that there was a beast right outside their front door?"

Eric's face turned bright red as he turned a punched a hole in the wall. Everyone in the room jumped except for Étienne. Smitty got up from where he was sitting to ease the situation, "Eric, calm down buddy."

Eric turned to face Smitty, who now looked like he was going to shit himself, "Jamie is my mate, I know what's best for him and I'll be damned if anyone thinks they can just take him away from me."

"This isn't just about Jamie anymore you fucking clod, if those witches get ahold of him, then the whole town is fucked!" Étienne exclaimed, "Eric why don't you start being an actual leader and put the members of your Pack before yourself."

Eric snarled at that, and his head became to twitch. More and more animalistic sounds came from his throat as his body convulsed. I think this was him turning?

Seeing this, Michael tried to relieve the tension, "Why don't we just ask Jamie what he thinks is best for himself?"

Smitty instinctively got in front of Étienne, but Étienne seemed unfazed as he continued his onslaught, "Jamie would only pick Eric out of fear, because fear is the only emotion he can get out of people. Some lousy Alpha you are, if you're willing to risk your soulmate's life just because you have some superiority complex."

Eric's ears started to become pointed and his canines became sharper, I could even see he was starting to become hairier. This couldn't be good. Eric was trying to not lose it, "You better watch your tongue or I'll rip it out of your damn mouth."

Étienne stepped out from behind Smitty, his hands glowing with a purple aura, "I'd like to see you try wolf-boy."

Uh oh. This could go in one of two ways: either Eric mauls Étienne, or Étienne magic slams Eric. I don't like either of those outcomes. I had enough of this, "Will both of you quit acting like children fighting over a toy?! I'm a person damnit!"

Everyone in the room looked shocked at my outburst. Eric seemed to calm down and started to revert back to his regular demeanor. Étienne huffed and folded his arms to say he was backing down. I could see Michael had a glint of pride in his eyes. Smitty was honestly just relieved that he didn't have to pick a side in a fight between his soulmate and his bestfriend.

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