Chapter 6: Alliance

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Hey guys! Please remember to leave me feedback on what you guys think, one of my favorite characters is introduced in this chapter so I hope you like it! Enjoy!

Eric's POV:

I finally got back to the pack house after dropping off Jamie, hoping he really was alright.

There was a lot to take in since last night and I have no idea how to deal with it. First of all, I've finally found my mate! I just knew it would happen yesterday, it's almost like I have a 6th sense. Secondly, my mate is my brother's friend, and his best friend from what I can tell. Thirdly, apparently my brother has been pushing away his wolf.

About the last thing, apparently my brother hasn't released his wolf in over a month, that mixed with the blood moon, and something else that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The pack doctor says his senses became over loaded and his wolf went a little crazy. Michael had so much pent up from not transforming that it kinda tore away at his body. I feel kinda guilty, how am I supposed to look out for a whole pack if I can't even see problems with my own brother.

And there's this boy Jamie that suddenly came into my life, but I have to admit he's a bit weird. He's so adorable though, like I wanted to hold him and never let go he's that cute. I absolutely loved holding him in my bed last night and getting my scent on him.

I don't know how I'm going to tell Michael that my future Luna is his best friend. I hope he'll be excited about it, but last time I thought that it didn't pan out.

I also had to consider how to tell Jamie that I'm a werewolf and we're destined to be together forever: that probably sounds worse than it really is. I would have to get better at lying if I want to keep this up, like "Lunism"? Seriously, what the hell is that?

I stepped out of my truck and walked back to the pack house, enjoying the warm air. Smitty was on one of the rocking chairs on the wraparound porch, and waved for me to come join him.

"How'd it go dropping off Pipsqueak?" Smitty asked.

"Fine. God that boy is really stubborn," I said as u took a seat on a rocking chair near Smitty.

"Oh so it'll be a challenge for you," he laughed.

Yes it would be, but how did he know Jamie was my mate? "What do you mean?"

"Oh, c'mon you're eyes don't turn gold when look at him for no reason," Smitty remarked, I guess he's smarter than I thought, "But hey, I'm happy for you, dude. I know how long you've been waiting for a mate."

A voice suddenly came from the path that led up to the porch, "Congratulations, Eric, or should I say Alpha."

Smitty and I both turned to see three people we knew all too well. Angela Morgan, Pollyanna van Cross, and Étienne Duvall. Three powerful members of the Kingsdale Coven.

I stood up to welcome them and stepped forward to greet Angie, who was the self proclaimed leader of their little group. "It's been a while since I've seen you guys, how's the coven?"

"It hasn't changed much, but we do seem to be expanding our numbers," Angie said as she led the other two onto the porch with us. Angie was (as of yesterday) a year younger than me and Pollyanna and Étienne were both seniors in highschool. I'd known Angie for almost 10 years and she was one of the only non-pack members that I enjoyed the company of. She had a very light face with soft features that was boarded by rich black locks of hair. Angie's face turned more serious, but her voice spoke with a melodic tone, "We wanted to come check in on you since we heard something happened to Michael."

"That was just last night, how could you have found out so quickly?" Smitty wondered.

Pollyanna spoke up and moved forward next to Angie, "Oh I've been experimenting with a few spells that let me see important things happening, it's called divination."

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